– You never know what people have in their luggage – Greater Oslo

The case in brief: Ellen Bakke, leader and founder of Helping Hands, has helped over 2,000 people throughout the country this summer. Among other things, 22 families have received a sponsored trip to the Animal Park in Kristiansand, including hotel accommodation, food, bus and entry to the animal park. Helping Hands has received 350 new inquiries this summer, and assists families with summer activities, clothing, equipment, life jackets and hiking boots. 100 families have received gift cards that can be used for summer activities, but just as many have not received help due to a lack of funds. Over 150 families are queuing to get help with food, and the Salvation Army also notices that several are struggling financially. Ellen Bakke emphasizes that the inequalities in Norway are greater than many are aware of, and that it is important to help families with poor means. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – This family had never slept away before. When you’re 17 and haven’t experienced it, it’s tough. That’s what Ellen Bakke says, who is cleaning out the second-hand shop of Helping Hands in Romerike. She has just helped a family with several children who did not have the finances to come up with something for the holidays. ORDNER: The general manager of Hjelpende hender, Ellen Bakke, stands up every day to help families who are struggling financially. Photo: Nadir Alam / news They are one of 22 lucky families who have been given a sponsored trip to the Animal Park in Kristiansand this summer. – Hotel accommodation, food, bus and entry to the zoo are covered, she says. Everything is organized by Helping Hands and their daily manager and founder, Ellen Bakke. They have helped many families throughout the country. – We have helped far north and south, and a lot in the east, she says. She had to put her own holiday on hold. There are too many people who need her help now. She has helped over 2,000 people throughout the country this summer. THE ZOO: 22 families got a free trip to the zoo in Kristiansand this summer. Photo: Ellen Bakke New inquiries every day This summer, Helping Hands has received 350 new inquiries. – The requests just keep getting more and more. Every day I get new requests, she says. Helping hands assist families with summer activities, such as clothing, equipment, life jackets and hiking boots. The goal is to give families memories and quality time together. Helping hands have given out free hiking equipment to 20 families this summer. Photo: Nadir Alam / news The second-hand shop sells affordable shoes, and has shoes for every use. On certain days, people can come and collect free clothes, and provide themselves with what they need. Jewellery, shoes, clothes, kitchen items and much more are sold in the second-hand shop. When the shop is open, many people often come by. Those who are in a major financial crisis get clothes and equipment for free. Ellen works every day to ensure that the store is clear, so that it is easy to find what you need. – We gave a boy money to fly to the Norway Cup, so that he gets the opportunity to go with his friends, says Bakke. Several others have received help to pay for train journeys to visit their families. HOLIDAY: A boy had the opportunity, together with his family, to look at the animals in the zoo in Kristiansand this summer. Photo: Ellen Bakke 150 families are queuing 100 families have received gift cards that can be used for summer activities. Just as many applicants did not receive help. – Unfortunately, not enough money has come in, says Bakke. They would have liked to have helped more people. She talks about countless families who are struggling. Over 150 families are queuing to get help with food. – One hundred addresses receive food once a month, also in the summer, she says. GIVES OUT: Several times a month, Ellen gives out free equipment and clothes to those who desperately need help. Often there are families with children. Photo: Nadir Alam / news The Salvation Army also notices that more people are struggling financially. The Salvation Army’s poverty barometer from July shows that 1 in 3 parents struggle to make ends meet. – We notice it most clearly through the increase in the food queues, says press adviser in the Salvation Army, Håkon Løtveit. He says that those who just made ends meet earlier now have a budget that is bursting with increased costs – It is not long until the start of school and it is a cost bomb for many families, he says. – Many destinies struggling now For those who have the least, everyday life is collapsing. Ellen and Helping Hands are well aware of this. – There are many destinies that are struggling now, says Bakke and adds: – The inequalities in Norway are probably much greater than we are aware of. Several times a month, those who want to come and pick free clothes from the second-hand shop for Helping Hands. Photo: Nadir Alam / news Many stood ready outside the store before it opened when free clothes were handed out. Several brought bags that they filled with free clothes. Besides helping families with the most important things, she thinks it is important to help families who do not have the opportunity to go on holiday. Give them a little break from a tough everyday life. – It is not a human right to go on holiday, but experiencing something new gives you a little more energy to keep going, she says and adds: – You never know what people have in their luggage. Published 31.07.2024, at 18.39
