Hormone expert believes more men should check their testosterone levels – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

When “Jonas” was 18, he went to the doctor. He slept poorly, had little energy and was depressed. Jonas is not the man’s real name. He wishes to remain anonymous, but news knows his identity. Over several years, Jonas and the doctor tried different treatments, a psychologist and various antidepressants. Nothing helped. When Jonas was 26, he started Googling his symptoms. – I actually just sat and looked around a bit, and saw that this is actually a bit of a problem. He had found a page about low testosterone. Photo: Alf Simensen / news – Sexual dysfunction is the most common symptom. Lack of desire, lack of spontaneous morning erection and lack of sexual fantasies. But there are many who report depression, that they are tired and fatigued. That’s what Per Medbøe Thorsby says. He is section chief physician at the Hormone Laboratory at Oslo University Hospital. Per Medbøe Thorsby is an endocrinologist, and has worked in the field for 30 years. Photo: Oslo University Hospital However, symptoms such as being tired and depressed are often difficult to connect to something. – There are so many other things that can also provide that, says Thorsby. Still, Jonas asked his doctor to test his levels. – I’m very happy that I did it, because I don’t think many people do that. They don’t know about it. Photo: Alf Simensen / news – Bad reputation Jonas’ doctor took tests on him, but thought the levels were not low enough. He decided to change doctors and asked the new doctor to look at the tests again. This doctor thought the levels were too low and gave a referral to a hormone specialist. Testosterone The most important male sex hormone In men it is formed in the testicles, in women in the ovaries The hormone stimulates muscle growth, the formation of male genitalia, male sex characteristics and the production of sperm It also has several psychological effects Testosterone and preparations with testosterone effects are also used as doping Source: Store norske lexikon Chief Medical Officer Torsby says it is quite different how doctors look at hormone levels. – Skepticism about testosterone is probably quite high among doctors. It is misused in sports and bodybuilding, and of course has a bad reputation there. But that should not prevent us from making a diagnosis of testosterone deficiency. Are you receiving testosterone therapy? Yes, get treatment through a doctor Yes, treat myself No, don’t need No, but would like to Show result Thorsby does not have figures for young men, but says approximately two percent of men over forty have too low a testosterone level. Nevertheless, only 0.5 percent receive treatment. – There are probably more people who should perhaps have it measured. Because it is part of an examination of a man who feels bad to also measure testosterone. Photo: Alf Simensen / news For Jonas, everyday life became completely different when he received treatment. – Before, I felt like I was in reserve gear all the time, I was so tired all the time. It has become much better now. I have much more energy and am more alert when I get up in the morning. There is a significant difference. He also experiences fewer depressive thoughts. Part of that, Jonas believes, is because he has gotten older, and thus has learned to deal with worse periods. He is nevertheless clear that the treatment has also played a role. – When I go into reserve gear all the time and am tired and unprepared, it affects my everyday life and my psyche. Photo: Alf Simensen / news Large on social media Testosterone treatment is discussed among men of all ages on online forums and social media. Jonas follows several of the platforms. – There you have the type who may abuse, who will try to get a low level on paper so that they will become bigger and stronger. And then there are people who actually want help. That’s what backfires a bit on those who actually need it. Photo: TikTok One of those who post videos about the treatment, which is often referred to as TRT, is GP Nohman Ishaq. There he explains how the treatment works and answers questions. – What most people wonder is why it is so difficult to get treatment in Norway. In other countries there are pure TRT clinics where there are doctors who only deal with it. But in Norway there are none. There is a lot of frustration out there among the men. Photo: TikTok Thorsby calls the trend on social media “violent”. – A lot of strange things are said from influencers with such bad reasons that you get all sweaty. I have worked on this for over 30 years and tried to speak up many times, but am only met by a wall of misunderstanding and aggression. This is TRT TRT stands for “Testosterone replacement therapy” and is a treatment for low testosterone levels. The treatment involves adding the hormones of which there is too little. This will usually improve the condition, and most of the symptoms will then disappear. Testosterone can be given both as an injection or as a skin gel. Treatment with gel provides a more stable testosterone level in the body over time, but requires daily application. Injections (syringes) are given at 10-14 week intervals. The aim of the treatment is to normalize the testosterone-dependent functions in the body. It can produce “thicker” blood, i.e. more red blood cells, and an increased risk of blood clotting. It can cause skin reactions, and an increased risk of kidney stones. It is unclear whether testosterone treatment increases the risk of prostate cancer, but it should certainly not be given to people who already have prostate cancer. There is evidence that the supply of extra testosterone to older men can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. These side effects mean that you should be checked regularly (annually), if you are firm on testosterone. Source: Norwegian health informatics But Ishaq believes that much of the TRT trend is not really about testosterone treatment. – There are a lot of anabolic steroids, and then people use the term TRT because it sounds better. It is very important to state that TRT is a medical treatment for low values, in collaboration with a doctor. Everything else is basically illegal. Photo: Alf Simensen / news On several forums, such as Reddit, several users nevertheless write that they are treating themselves. Thorsby warns against that. – Here the prostate must be followed up, and it must be followed up with blood tests, with a view to changes in blood clotting, heart, liver and kidney diseases and things like that. That is why I would like it to be checked by a GP. Because then you know there will be a follow-up. Published 31.07.2024, at 14.15
