Extreme conditions during the women’s triathlon in Paris – Lotte Miller overturned badly – Olympics Paris 2024

– It is very stressful, right now I am very worried, says the Norwegian sports manager Arild Tveiten to news, while he is waiting for information about the Norwegian athlete. Because he had only received information that Lotte Miller was not suitable for medical treatment when he was interviewed by news. But it was unknown where she was after breaking the triathlon competition after her second tumble. GOT HELP: Lotte Miller on her way to medical treatment after her second roll, which sent her out of the competition. – Ouch. it didn’t look good, exclaimed news’s ​​commentator Jann Post when the pictures of Lotte Miller rolled in the replay. Miller had already gone down on the bike part once, when it rained again on the 40-kilometer bike part of the competition. And this time Miller was left lying on the tarmac. And it didn’t look good. HAD TO BREAK: Lotte Miller fell over twice before breaking the triathlon competition in Paris. Photo: David Goldman / AP The athlete, who has struggled with his back in the past, had to break when the asphalt was about to dry up. – I hope there is nothing in the area she is in pain with now. It looked scary, says news expert Jørgen Gundersen. Then she had gone down earlier in the competition: – We know that she is not where they receive medical supervision. Then we choose to believe that she is out on the trail and won’t come in, because things haven’t been shut down. I’m trying to get hold of someone who knows, but so far no one does or can give a clear answer, says sports manager Arild Tveiten. The question is now whether it is a joke for the Norwegian team in the team competition next week. If Miller has had a blow that means she cannot sit, Norway does not have a team, points out news expert Jørgen Gundersen. ON THE HILL: Lotte Miller had a tough time during the triathlon competition in Paris – Lotte has trained the most for the mixed relay we have on Monday. This was no fun to watch, says Gundersen. When asked what he thought when Miller fell over twice, Tveiten replies: – The first time I was glad she got up, but the second time I thought “oh, this is stupid, this looked painful”. Then it was just a matter of thinking what we could do. We also didn’t get out on the trail and had to trust that there were enough personnel out there. But you are stressed, because you just want her to be well, says Tveiten. He pointed out that the streets were soapy and that he thought the Norwegian athletes had good air pressure adapted to the wet conditions. But it had also been a bad day for Miller already when it got messy in the transition to the bike section: – Soapy smooth Before Miller’s fall, there had been extreme conditions in Paris during the triathlon competition. On the bike part, it was very slippery in the streets, which also partly contained cobblestone sections. A number of athletes hit the tarmac. Several went down in the same overturn and the same turns. – It is soapy in Paris, said Post as the athletes continued to tumble on the wet surface. SCRUBBED UP: Lotte Miller also got a solid bang at the first meeting with the asphalt on Wednesday morning. Photo: David Goldman / AP But it was when the asphalt was about to dry that the Norwegian athlete fell out of the competition. It had already been an extreme day for the athletes. Because when the competition was underway, it was not the bacteria in the river Seine that was at stake. TROUBLE: Maria Carolina Velasquez Soto from Colombia was just one of many athletes who tumbled through the streets of Paris in the cycling section. Photo: David Goldman / AP Extreme current It already started on the pier in the Seine when the women started the triathlon competition. Then 10–12 athletes were left on the dock for several seconds when the starting shot went off and got a miserable start at the tail of the field And out in the river they encountered extreme conditions. TOUGH ROOF: It was tight between the athletes on the way to the rounding buoy during the competition. The strong current makes it an advantage to be behind the competition. Photo: David Goldman / AP – I have never seen swimming conditions with such strong currents as now, said news’s ​​expert Jørgen Gundersen when the swimming part was well under way. – Standing almost still, added Jann Post about the athletes in the water. The information was that the athletes would encounter currents with a speed of 0.8 meters per second in the river. But when the athletes struggled through 1,500 meters in the river, you could see what the conditions in the river cost. Because the athletes had to fight for every meter as they swam against the current up the river. And when Flora Duffy came out on top from the swimming section, Gundersen pointed out that there was talk of 3-5 minutes longer competition time than usual in the swimming section. French victory The race part went undramatically. But it was a day of jubilation for the French home crowd. Cassandre Beaugrand moved away in the last round to wild cheers in the streets of Paris. Julie Derron from Switzerland was unable to threaten the French home favorite, who ran in for Olympic gold. The other Norwegian athlete, Solveig Løvseth, was number 48. She talked about tough conditions in the Seine during the swimming section. Published 31.07.2024, at 09.59 Updated 31.07.2024, at 10.12
