Molde wants Ole Sæter – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

Ole Sæter has been one of Rosenborg’s big profiles in recent years. Now he can end up in Molde. news is sitting on information that the people in blue want to bring the RBK striker to the city of roses, but it is still uncertain whether the people of Trønland want to negotiate about the striker and whether Sæter himself is positive about such a transfer. It was Nettavisen that mentioned the news first. Ole Sæter tells news that he has only heard of the rumour, but that he has no further information about the case. – I made that clear to my agent quite early on, that I don’t need information about things that are coming. It doesn’t help me in my everyday life, most of it is on weekdays, and then I need to be focused. If the clubs were to agree, is it relevant for you to go to arch-rival Molde? – It is very difficult to take into account. – Rosenborg’s head coach, Alfred Johansson, does not want to comment further on the matter. If a player were to go from Rosenborg to Molde, what is your immediate thought about it? – It is irrelevant, it is a hypothesis. I can not be bothered. Everyone knows the rivalry between the two clubs. And I understand the question, but it’s the wrong focus for me right now. Fierce rivals Should the transition take place, it will create shock waves. Molde and Rosenborg are great rivals in Norwegian football, and the matches between the teams have been called by many a match of hatred. In other words, should Sæter end up in Molde, it will probably be an unpopular transfer among RBK supporters. news has tried to get a comment from RBK’s sporting director, Micke Dorsin, but he has not responded. news has also asked for a comment from the director of Molde, Øystein Neerland. – What?? The news at least makes sports commentator Jan Petter Saltvedt stiff. – What?? It sounds like an April Fool’s joke. The commentator believes it would have been a good transition for Molde. – That Molde wants him is understandable, and it would probably make both them and Sæter better in the short term. – But here there are completely different considerations and feelings that come into play, and I really refuse to believe that this can happen. Published 30.07.2024, at 10.29 Updated 30.07.2024, at 17.02
