Thousands of toothbrushes and plastic rubbish are still lying in the forest in Åsnes. – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

In 2022, news wrote about thousands of old toothbrushes that were dumped in the forest in Åsnes municipality. The toothbrushes were legally dumped by the toothbrush factory Jordan in the 70s and 80s. Since then, several thousand cubic meters of plastic have been lying near the Flisa river. The case received a lot of attention. Now, two years later, the toothbrushes are still untouched. It has been two years since the pile of toothbrushes was discovered in the forest in Åsnes. They are still there. Photo: Frode Meskau – We were promised that this would really be addressed, but nothing has happened at all. It simply looks the same, says Robert Tollefsen, who is the leader of Plastpiratene i Innlandet. Tollefsen was in the area this week and filmed the sight that met him. – Nitrist The toothbrushes are located in the forest one mile from the city centre. They are located on a private property near the Flisaelva, which flows into Glomma. The plastic pirates point out that the toothbrushes are made from old, oil-based plastic material. – It is sad to see that it is still there. I know that this affects the nature around us, says Tollefsen. Robert Tollefsen leads the Plastic Pirates in Innlandet and is disappointed that the toothbrushes have still not been cleared away. Photo: Frode Meskau / news When news last covered the case, several actors were pointed to as responsible. Åsnes municipality, landowners, Jordan and Orkla who took over the factory premises in 2012. None of them assumed full responsibility for the way forward. This is microplastic Photo: Pandora Film The plastic that ends up in nature does not break down, but is instead broken up into smaller and smaller pieces. In the end, it turns into what we call microplastic, which is almost impossible to remove from nature. Microplastics are small particles of plastic that have a size between 0.001 and 5 millimeters. These pieces of plastic vary greatly in size, color and shape and have different properties and content of chemicals. Today we find microplastics on all continents of the world, and it is in the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. Microplastics in nature disrupt our ecosystems, and can be harmful to both humans and animals. Source: WWF Tests whether the plastic can be recycled But there has been dialogue between several of the above and the organization Plastpiraten in recent years. Åsnes municipality does not agree that nothing has been done. – We have engaged the consulting company Sweco for a trial project. The aim is to see if it is possible to recycle the plastic, says Marius Skymoen. Marius Skymoen, environmental officer in Åsnes municipality, says they are working on the case, but acknowledges that it has taken a long time. Photo: Mats Sparby / news He is responsible for the environment in Åsnes municipality and has worked on the case for several years. He confirms that the plastic brushes are still in the forest and acknowledges that the process has taken time. – We have had to hire experts and there has been a procurement process. We signed the contract at the end of 2023. And then there has been quite a change of personnel with them, says Skymoen. – The last I heard is that the work will start in August, he adds. The engineers at Sweco must take a certain amount of plastic with them to check whether the material is recyclable. If possible, the plastic landfill can be given new life, such as pioneer boats. Why not just remove the plastic? Åsnes municipality takes annual samples in the river to measure the level of plastic in the water. Marius Skymoen says that the tests have shown a low, stable level in recent years and that the situation is therefore not considered critical. This spring, it emerged that the municipality was in a deficit of NOK 44.5 million, according to Glåmdalen newspaper. The plastic pirates fear this could contribute to further delaying the process. Photo: Frode Meskau / news Municipal director Morten Wenstad is clear that the matter has a high priority for the municipality. – We take this seriously. The matter will not be de-prioritised. Funds have been set aside in the investment budget to clean up, says Wenstad. – At the same time, there is a balancing act between this and available resources. That is the challenge a poor municipality faces, he says. – Why can’t you just remove the plastic? – Because if you can recover something, then it’s a win-win situation. Then you can use the material for something else in addition. And if you were to remove everything, you would have to agree on a distribution between the parties and that’s not all, says environmental officer Skymoen. He does not think Åsnes municipality has the means to remove all the plastic even in the financial situation they are in now. Piles of plastic rubbish are still lying in the forest by the Flisa river in Åsnes. Photo: Plastpiratene/Robert Tollefsen About to lose heart The Plastpiratene have been involved in the case for a long time. – We made this video because nothing is happening. The dream would have been if we could take up all the plastic and recycle it, says Robert Tollefsen. – We must clean up old sins. We cannot leave old rubbish in nature and ignore it. Also at national level, the leader of the Plastic Pirates has noticed a lack of motivation. He says that many of the volunteers are beginning to lose heart. – It is demotivating to see that everything that is pointed out and tried to be done with, nothing happens, says manager Andreas Brandvoll. Published 29/07/2024, at 16.43
