– Don’t lose heart – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– I was actually in training when I found out. I did three rehearsals before I checked the result. That’s what Julia Sofie Berg Ørseng tells us. After passing her secondary school, she was ready for her dream study – social work at Østfold University College. She had counted on her own average score, and was sure she would get in. But the cut didn’t work. She is on the waiting list for both her first and second choices. – I was obviously very disappointed. – Don’t lose heart Julia is far from alone. According to Samordna admissions, 56,000 have been offered a place on the waiting list. Some of these probably have an offer of a study place, but not at their first choice. Tomas Iversen is an adviser in Career Guidance. He says that there is a large influx of young people both before, during and after admission. Several people get in touch about the same thing. – Many are on a waiting list, but do not have a plan b. Others have been given a place on the waiting list, but are happy where they are already going. – Many people also do not know what opportunities are available. Tomas Iversen is a career guidance counselor, and asks those who have not been offered a study place to keep their spirits up. Photo: Privat He has a clear encouragement for those who do not get into the study program they want. – You can use the next year to work on something relevant, go to folk university or travel. He says it’s not stupid at all. – Then you learn something new about yourself, your own interests and characteristics. It can be of great value later. Read all the tips for Tomas at the bottom of the case. Did you get into the study program of your dreams? Yes 🤩 No 😞 On the waiting list 🙏 Show result Have a back-up plan Julia has attended both health and upbringing and children and youth at the secondary school. After that, apprenticeships at primary school and kindergarten await. – I dream of working with people. Maybe kids. I want to help people, she says. She entered her third choice, but declined. – I got a place to study to become a kindergarten teacher. But since I have also worked in a nursery, I know that I don’t want to spend my life doing that. Then it is better to say no. She believes experience should also count, and not just grades. Now she is dependent on others winning her place in order for her to enter. On TikTok, she encouraged people who had applied for the same thing as her to say no. But all hope is not lost, according to Jørgen Ofstad. He is head of department in Samordna uptakt. – Now we have more recordings throughout the summer, and the lists will change. And Julia keeps her spirits up. – If it doesn’t work, I’ll just have to take up subjects and try again next year. I just have to be positive, she says. The career counselor’s advice These are career counselor Tomas Iversen’s best tips for those of you who have to think about the coming year. Check whether there are equivalent studies elsewhere in the country where you can apply locally. Take an elective subject that can give you insight into the subject area. Spend a year at Folkehøgskule. Take up subjects so that you get a higher average. Travel and experience the world. Find a job that can give you useful experience and that is relevant later. The second, third or fourth choice may also be something you want to enjoy. Say yes to a study place regardless of the offer you receive, so that you are not left without a place. Don’t lose heart, focus on all the possibilities that actually exist. There is help to be had, contact a career counsellor. Published 29/07/2024, at 12.59
