Anders Mol and Christian Sørum were shocked by the Olympic ball in the Olympics in Paris 2024 – warning signs – Olympics Paris 2024

– It is very unusual to play with the ball. It was kind of a shock. That’s what Anders Mol says about the Olympic ball after Norway won comfortably 2-0 in sets against Chile. The problem was that the ball was too new. – The balls we play with, when they are brand new, the leather is so stiff, he continues. – I think they are trying to be kind and give us some brand new balls. When they are brand new, they are very stiff in the plastic. Whereas when you use them, they loosen a little and become more bouncy. When they are completely rigid, they are quite unaccustomed to handling. Because that only happens with the new balls. You notice that “oh, those are so new balls, yes”, says Christian Sørum. Now they also warn of action. – Are you going to ask for an older ball next time? – Yes, actually, says Mol. – We have tried it in the world series, but they are happy with the new ball, says Sørum further. Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB Coach Jetmund Berntsen says that it is common to have new balls in competitions, and says that it is a challenge. – It’s better when you’ve recorded it, but we always get new balls when we play tournaments, and certainly new ones for the next match again, says Berntsen. And precisely the ball may have been the answer to why the match opened so evenly. – Everyone knows about it, so that is perhaps why it takes a while before we get into the game, he continues. Override The match itself ended with a comfortable Norwegian victory. The reigning Olympic champions won the first set 21–14 and the second set 21–16. – Overrunning, said beach volleyball expert Jan Kvalheim at Max. The match was played in spectacular surroundings at the beach volleyball arena, which is located just in front of the Eiffel Tower. The arena was almost full. – It was crazy fun to play in there. Already jam-packed and crazy push. It’s impossible not to just smile and enjoy yourself out there, says Mol to news. Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB Anders Mol himself was not completely satisfied after the match and thought that not everything was quite right. – It’s a bit about the attacking rhythm, says Mol, and added that he thought his partner Sørum played considerably better. Sørum shone Sørum also received a lot of praise from news’s ​​expert commentator, Vegard Høidalen, during the match. – Christian Sørum has been very good so far in the match. He has played flawlessly, has had fantastic service receptions and followed up with a number of class attacks, said Høidalen towards the end of the first set. In the second set, the praise from Høidalen continued. – They are playing here now, Anders and Christian. They do brilliant acts throughout. The Chileans play well, but are not paid for good actions that they do time after time. Anders and Christian are very solid here, he said. Published 28/07/2024, at 22.20 Updated 28.07.2024, at 22.33
