Unemployment is increasing, but Yassir Allami went from unemployed to manager in two months – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary Yassir Allami, a 42-year-old from Tønsberg, went from being unemployed to becoming a traffic warden in less than two months. Allami, who came to Norway as a refugee from Iraq in 2008, had struggled to get back into working life after taking a break to take care of her children. He got the job through a special project where Nav collaborated with the employer before the position was in place. Of 11 relevant candidates that Nav found for Unibuss, five got jobs, including Allami. He is now responsible for 90 buses from the head office of Unibuss in Tønsberg and enjoys his job. Allami now dreams of buying a house for his family. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. Unemployment has increased since the latter half of 2023 and Nav estimates that unemployment will continue to increase in the time to come. Yassir Allami from Tønsberg has long been part of these statistics, but this winter it was a complete turnaround for the 42-year-old. Quickly moved up in position Yassir Allami came to Norway in 2008 as a refugee from Iraq. In 2015, he stopped working to take care of his children. Afterwards, it has been tough to get back into working life. But he never gave up hope. Earlier this year, it really loosened up. In less than two months, he went from being unemployed to becoming a traffic warden. – I love working with people, says the 42-year-old. Photo: Robert Hansen / news – I love working with people, says the 42-year-old. Photo: Robert Hansen / news He now looks after 90 buses from the head office of Unibuss in Tønsberg and enjoys the job. Allami believes that people must take charge of their own lives if they do not have a job. – I did everything. I called friends. I called Nav. It’s about being motivated, and telling yourself that “it’s enough now”, he says, and claps his hands hard to show what he means. – You are the one who changes your life. But Nav can help you, as they did with me, he adds. The company came to Nav In May this year, there were around 123,000 people without a job in Norway, which corresponds to 4.1 per cent of the workforce. What is unemployment? Being unemployed is not just being without a job. To be defined as unemployed you must: Not have a job Trying to get a job Be available to start working Most people who are not working are not unemployed, but students, school pupils, pensioners or disabled. Source: Statistics Norway Allami got a job through a special project, because Nav collaborated with the employer before the position was in place. Unibuss wanted motivated job seekers, and Nav found 11 relevant candidates. Of these, five got jobs, including Allami. Ismahen Szczepaniak in Nav Tønsberg praises Yassir Allami. Photo: Robert Hansen / news – In record time he got a course, class D driver’s license and a job with Unibus, Ismahen Szczepaniak tells Nav Tønsberg. She believes the 42-year-old is a role model for others looking for a job. HR manager Caroline Kristiansen at Unibuss is also full of praise. – This is a real blessing: Yassir gets a job, Nav gets people into work and we get a skilled bus driver, she says. – What do you think of the process around Yassir? – Seeing the development from the first speed interview until today has been great. Personnel manager Caroline Kristiansen in Unibus and Yassir Allami. Photo: Robert Hansen / news Personnel manager Caroline Kristiansen in Unibus and Yassir Allami. Photo: Robert Hansen / news Rising unemployment The project in Tønsberg is one of several steps Nav has taken to get people into work faster, says Ole Christian Lien, who is department director of the knowledge department at Nav. In Sarpsborg, Nav has a close collaboration with Quality Hotel regarding workforce, and in Trondheim a mentoring program has been established in collaboration with the local business association. Another example is a collaboration with Aker Solution on the qualification of welders who have fled Ukraine. The latest forecast by Nav shows that unemployment will be slightly higher in the future. – Despite the increasing unemployment, it is still low in a historical perspective, and there is still a shortage of labour. Especially in the health professions and various types of skilled workers. Ole Christian Lien is director of the knowledge department at Nav. Photo: NAV Dreaming of a house Yassir Allami is overjoyed about his new life. – I love my job, because here I can work with people. I’m very pleased. – What is your dream? – My goal is to buy a house for my children. I think that will be possible now, he says. Published 27/07/2024, at 23.55
