Zaniar Matapour appeals the terror sentence – Latest news – news

25 July 2024 at 16:19 VG: Zaniar Matapour appeals the terror sentence On 4 July, Zaniar Matapour was sentenced to 30 years’ detention for aggravated terrorism, the first in Norway. Now he is appealing both the sentencing and the civil claims, reports VG. On the night of Saturday 25 June 2022, shots were fired at the pubs Per på kørnket and London pub, which are popular among queers, in Oslo. Two people were killed, and nine people were hit by gunfire. Over 20 people were slightly injured in the chaos that followed. 45-year-old Zaniar Matapour was overpowered by witnesses at the scene before he could kill several people, and he was arrested by the police at the scene.
