Simen Skarderud lost his fingertips after a bicycle accident. Was denied pain relief because of LAR – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: • Simen Skarderud, a former drug-addicted LAR patient, experienced a bicycle accident in 2021 which led to the loss of his fingertips.• Skarderud claims that he was denied pain relief due to his previous drug addiction, which led to intense pain and self-medication. • Skarderud’s lawyer, Synne Bernhardt, has criticized the treatment as incomprehensible and worthy of criticism, and the case has now been forwarded to Norwegian Patient Compensation.• The state administrator in Oslo and Viken has decided to look at the case again following statements from Bernhardt.• Head of department at Ahus Kongsvinger, Vegar Koch Lie, apologizes for the incident and says they are trying to learn, especially when it comes to pain relief for patients during drug-assisted rehabilitation. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAI. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. The nightmare started with a bicycle accident in 2021. Simen Skarderud fell, landing on his left arm. Handa este. But the doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong. After the swelling went down, the hand changed color from yellow, to purple, to blue and finally black – in just a few days, according to the 43-year-old. Corpse fingers, Skarderud describes the hard, black tips as. That’s when he started to get really scared. Today, Simen Skarderud has plasters around the tips, because it hurts when they bump into things. But they are much better now than when the tips turned WARNS AGAINST STRONG IMAGES ➡️Right after the accident, I put my hand out. After the swelling subsided, the fingertips began to change color, become hard and eventually fall off one by one. – I was scared, really scared of what was happening, and wanted to come in for observation and controlled pain relief. The hospital apologizes and says they will learn from the incident, read the full response here. – Angry thumb The doctors did not want to give Skarderud painkillers, because as a former drug addict he was a LAR patient, i.e. went to drug-assisted rehabilitation. – I was a grown man who hit the wall and the mirror and everything to get hurt somewhere else. – There is a lot about LAR that is good, and that helps me. But I’m not treated like a normal person once something happens. I don’t mean that I should laugh at being admitted, but I was scared, says Simen Skarderud about the 21 times he trooped up to Kongsvinger hospital in the hope of getting pain relief and being admitted. Photo: Torstein Georg Bøe / news Then he lost his fingertips. The one on the little finger fell off first. – What can I say … it began to move somehow. He could only twiddle his thumb. The last fingertip, the index finger, fell off by itself one day when he was taking a shower and was going to dry himself. By then, six months had passed since the accident. Three of the weeks in particular have burned into his memory as pure torture, describes the 43-year-old. – I wish no one, not even my worst enemy, to experience the same. Got no pain relief It turned out he had developed necrosis. The tissue in the fingertips died. He was with the doctors at the hospital in Kongsvinger 21 times during the months, according to the records. But he could just forget about pain relief, he says. Or, Skarderud says he was eventually offered to increase the LAR dose by two milligrams. – I am on 20 milligrams a day. Two more milligrams is like taking Paracet number three, after taking two. It doesn’t help anything, he claims. He usually covers the tips with plaster, even though they need air. Because opening chip bags, or grabbing a handle, hurts with just the nails. Photo: Torstein Georg Bøe / news It was not until the last fingertip on his hand fell off that he was offered morphine at the hospital. Then it was over, and the pain was not as intense, according to Skarderud. – Don’t hurt yourself if you are in LAR Skarderud is convinced that he was refused pain relief because he is an LAR patient. Today, Skarderud works as a volunteer in Kongsvinger IL. He is captain of the street team, and in 2020 was voted the year’s zealot in the football club. Photo: Torstein Georg Bøe / news He says that he suggested that he could go off the LAR medicine to go on controlled morphine for a few days. – I’m in the mood for that. I wasn’t heard, probably because I’m me. They were afraid that I would become addicted. The pain was so great that the 43-year-old says he felt compelled to sort things out himself. – So I could end up on the street anyway. I had to arrange morphine and things I had used before. Which I have just rehabilitated myself for. – The risk that Skarderud ran, and that the hospital inflicted on him, could have ended fatally, says lawyer Synne Bernhardt. Photo: Torstein Georg Bøe / news The State Administrator: – Will look at the case again That Kongsvinger hospital did not investigate the cause of symptoms of reduced circulation and increasing pain, the State Administrator in Oslo and Viken thought was a deviation. But the State Administrator originally concluded that total health care was justifiable. – On the basis of the lawyer’s statement, we have seen grounds for looking at the case again, explains assistant county doctor Hanne Fiskenes. Photo: Sturlason/Statsforvalteren After news contacted the Statsforvalteren in Oslo and Viken, acting county doctor Hanne Fiskenes says that they will review the case again. – Among other things, we will assess whether we have set the threshold for soundness at the right level. We will inform the hospital and the lawyer about this in a separate letter. – When his fingers started to fall off, my client was driven into a hell of pain which in turn drove him out onto the street where he had to buy illegal drugs in an attempt to relieve himself, says lawyer Synne Bernhardt. Photo: Torstein Georg Bøe / news Lawyer Synne Bernhardt at Sjødin and Melin says the news that the State Administrator will look at the case again is important for the legal security of LAR patients. – Lack of pain relief within LAR is a problem. Pain relief is not difficult, but the argument patients often hear is that they can become addicted. The case has now been forwarded to Norwegian Patient Damage Compensation. The hospital apologizes – I feel very sorry for the patient. It is a very rare story, says department manager Vegar Koch Lie at Ahus Kongsvinger. He believes that the outcome for Skarderud, where the fingertips fell off one by one, would not have been significantly different even if they had examined him more thoroughly. – I find it difficult to hear that there has been so much pain without us catching it, says Vegar Koch Lie at Ahus Kongsvinger. Photo: Torstein Georg Bøe / news Koch Lie goes on to say that they have tried to relieve the pain in accordance with the guidelines they have, because they are worried about disturbing the existing course of treatment. – This is among the things we try to learn from, especially pain relief for patients during drug-assisted rehabilitation, which is a difficult chapter. That the State Administrator will look at the case again was unknown to him when news contacted him. Hello! Hello! Thank you for reading this case! Do you have tips, input or other feedback, whether it concerns this case or other cases we should take a closer look at? Then I would be happy if you would give me a shout! Published 24/07/2024, at 17.57 Updated 24.07.2024, at 18.41
