The police are accused of covering up the incident – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

On July 6, Sonya Massey was shot and killed by a police officer in her own home. She herself contacted the police because she was afraid someone had broken into her house. The video of the incident sent shock waves through the United States. Following new information, the family accuses the police of trying to cover up the fact that they shot and killed Massey. A police audio clip examined by The Guardian includes a conversation between a police officer at the scene and emergency services shortly after Massey was shot. There, the emergency center is informed that Massey’s injuries were self-inflicted. The operator asks for confirmation, and the policeman repeats for the second time that it was self-inflicted. Donna Massey, Sonya’s mother, says the police changed their explanation several times. Photo: Thomas J. Turney/The State Journal-Register / Reuters This is one of several untruths the mother and her son believe the police have come up with in the time since Massey’s death. Changed explanation several times At a press conference on Tuesday, the family said the police had told them she had either taken her own life, or been killed by an intruder. – They tried to make me believe that it was a neighbor who had done it, says Jimmie Crawford Jr to The Guardian. Crawford is Massey’s former partner and the father of one of her children. Only after a doctor had determined that Massey had been killed, the police should have changed the classification of the incident from suicide to police killing. – They said it was under investigation, then they said they had told the doctors it was suicide, and then they changed the reasoning, says Sonya Massey’s mother, Donna Massey, to CBS. – They continued to change their explanation. Sonya Massey left behind one son and one daughter, both in their teens. Photo: John O’Connor / AP The shooting happened in Springfield, Illinois, and the state police determined that there was no legitimate reason to use force in such a situation. The policeman who fired the shots has been charged with murder, but denies guilt. He has been remanded in custody until the trial against him begins. Published 24/07/2024, at 15.12 Updated 24.07.2024, at 15.20
