– It is taking a toll on us – news Vestland

The case in summary The liner “Argos Georgia” sank in the Atlantic Ocean outside the Falkland Islands on Monday evening Norwegian time. A demanding rescue operation is now underway at the site. Of the 27 people on board, nine have been confirmed dead, four are missing, and 14 have been found alive. The crew evacuated the boat and transferred to three life rafts. The company Ervik Havfiske in Western Norway owns the boat. They are deeply affected and in grief by the situation. It is currently unknown why the accident happened, but the boat started taking on water in extreme weather conditions. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. A demanding rescue operation is still underway in the South Atlantic after the liner “Argos Georgia” went down in the Atlantic outside the Falkland Islands. The boat sent an emergency message on Monday evening. On Wednesday, this is the status of the 27 who were on board, according to the news agency Reuters: Nine people have been confirmed dead after the sinking. Four are still missing. 14 people have been found alive. 13 of those rescued were on board one life raft. The last one was found in a raft that was damaged. That’s what Stig Ervik, director of Ervik Havfiske Holding, says to the news agency. A video news has seen shows how rescuers take in one of the rafts located after the sinking. The video has been published in Spanish online newspapers. Tough day for company in Western Norway For Ervik Havfiske in Western Norway, these are tough days. news visited the company based in Stadlandet on Wednesday. – A boat is just a hull. It is human life that is the most important, says Stig Ervik to news. – The situation affects us. We cannot deny that. Our thoughts go out to the crew and relatives, says daily manager of Ervik Havfiske, Robert Ervik. Photo: June Erdalsdal Kolstad / news The weather in the area has been extreme. With winds up to 65 knots and waves around ten meters high. The rescue helicopter had to give up the search. During the night to Tuesday, the search conditions were so extreme that only a larger boat could stay in the area. A plane will sweep over the area on Wednesday. If the weather conditions allowed it. The crew is from Spain (10), Uruguay (2), Peru (2), Indonesia (5) and Russia (8). The boat sails under St. Helena’s flag. – This takes a toll on a daily leader, regardless of whether one or more people have passed away. Our thoughts go out to the crew and relatives, says Ervik. – Feeling helpless The 45 meter long and 13 meter wide line boat was built in Turkey in 2018. All year round it fishes for toothfish in the Ross Sea and around South Georgia in the South Atlantic. On Monday, “Argos Georgia” was on its way when it encountered extreme weather conditions in the Drake Strait. The governing authorities of the Falkland Islands state that the boat began to take on water around 200 English miles east of Stanley. – It is not a good situation. It’s happening on the other side of the globe, so we feel a bit helpless, says Ervik. Come to the dock today Ervik Havfiske and Argos Frøyanes have now established a crisis team in the Falkland Islands. Relatives are followed up by the company’s employees in Stanly, as well as the governing authorities. The crisis team is ready when the boats with the survivors arrive at the dock in Stanly. Survivors are sent straight to the island’s only hospital, King Edward VII Memorial Hospital. – We are ready when they come in during the day. Relatives and crew are well looked after when they arrive, says Ervik. Uncertain cause of the accident It is currently unknown why the accident occurred. The boat is only a few years old, and according to Ervik there has never been a problem with “Argos Georgia”. Ervik says it is fixed with both practice and rounds to become familiar with the boat and equipment before their boats go on a mission. Fixed routine is also the securing of cargo and equipment. – We are good messengers, but when things happen, it can be difficult to handle, he says. Published 24/07/2024, at 14.51 Updated 24.07.2024, at 14.54
