One person injured in a traffic accident in Oslo – the police suspect racing on the E18 – Latest news – news

24 July 2024 at 02:00 One person injured in a traffic accident in Oslo – the police suspect race driving on the E18 The police responded to a traffic accident on the E18 near Lysaker in Oslo on the night of Wednesday. They were initially informed that there was an accident involving two cars, but it later turned out that one car had collided with a wall or guard rail. – We have seen video clips, and it appears that there are two cars driving together. We suspect it may be racing. In connection with one car taking off from the E18, it collides with one of the brick walls, says operations manager Bjarne Endal Pedersen at the Oslo police to news. It was first reported that the injured person was badly injured, in an update the police report that the extent of the damage is currently unknown. The emergency services responded to the accident at 1.18am. The police have temporarily seized the driving license of the driver of both cars.
