Got turtles that come from the time of the dinosaurs – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: Kristiansand Animal Park has received two snake-necked turtles, a species that lived all the way back in the time of the dinosaurs. The snake-necked turtle is a critically endangered species, and it is uncertain whether there are still specimens in the wild. The last snake-necked turtle in the wild was observed in 2009 on the island of Roti in Indonesia. Threats to the species include trapping for pets and threats to their habitat from local agriculture. The zoo is part of a conservation programme, and it may be appropriate to release turtles from zoos into the wild in the future. The two turtles in Kristiansand Animal Park are ten years old, and seem to thrive well in their new environment. – Fossils of snake-necked turtles have been found all the way back to the time when dinosaurs lived. They have managed to adapt over time and survive, says biologist Tina Haagensen at Kristiansand Zoo. The zoo has received two specimens of the animal called snake-necked turtles. The special thing about this species is that it has existed since the dinosaurs ruled the globe. – It is really fun to be able to look at them in this environment, and that they actually lived in the time when we had large dinosaurs, which we are also very fascinated by, says Haagensen. Kristiansand Zoo has received two snake-necked turtles. The species is in danger of extinction and dates back to the time of the dinosaurs. Photo: Kristiansand Dyrepark May be extinct in the wild The species is critically endangered. In fact, he may be completely out of touch with nature. The last snakehead turtle was observed on the island of Roti in Indonesia in the wild in 2009. – Researchers do not know for sure if there are more left in the wild. Therefore, it is extra important to accept these animals in consideration of the conservation program they are part of, says veterinarian Rolf-Arne Ølberg at Kristiansand Animal Park. One of the reasons why the species is endangered is that the animal is popular as a pet. – People have been fascinated by the unique appearance. He has simply been caught in far too large a quantity, says In addition, their area in Indonesia is threatened by local agriculture. The two who have come to Dyreparken are ten years old. A male and a female. Snake neck turtle Species: Chelodina mccordi English: McCord’s Snakeneck Turtle Distribution: the island of Roti, Indonesia Habitat: wetlands and shallow freshwater Food: fish and insects Weight: 444 – 816 grams Gestation period: 112-179 days Number of eggs: 9-13 eggs Status: Critical trough (IUCN Red List) Source: Kristiansand Zoo Can be seen in the wild Kristiansand Zoo is part of the conservation program of the zoo organization EAZA. That is the reason why they have now received two snake-necked turtles for Kristiansand. The animals are a reserve stock to ensure the species. Eventually, it may become relevant to release snake-necked turtles from zoos into the wild. The duo has settled in at Kristiansand Zoo, according to the biologist. – They seem to be enjoying themselves very well. They have moved into their own water tank in the terrarium. There we have windows so that we can see how they behave under the water. They swim around and have a good time together and seem to have settled in already, she says. – Is it the case that the hope now is that more turtles can be born to the park? – In the first instance, it will be to make arrangements for these two, and see that they are comfortable. So I hope that in the future we may be able to contribute by bringing in even more snake-necked turtles that can lay eggs, and that we can send them on to other parks, says Haagensen. Published 24/07/2024, at 12.55 Updated 24/07/2024, at 13.14
