Found seagull chicks shot and with their heads torn off in Orkanger in Trøndelag – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

Several seagull chicks have been shot in the center of Orkanger in Orkland. One of the young seagulls was also found with its head torn off, writes the police in Trøndelag. Seagulls are completely protected in Norway. Operations manager Viola Elvrum tells news that only a few days ago 10 seagull chicks were found that had been shot. – It is clearly a recurring problem in the area here, says Elvrum. Torn off head The operations manager says that a young seagull was found with a torn off head. – The fact that it had its head torn off may have happened after it was shot, so we do not know whether an animal or a human did that. The police are asking people with tips in the case to get in touch. – We must treat animals in a nice way. As it has happened several times, we take this seriously. Published 24/07/2024, at 09.09
