Kamala Harris at the first election campaign meeting after Biden resigned – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Kamala Harris is two percentage points ahead of Donald Trump in a recent poll from Ipsos for Reuters. Harris gets 44 percent, while Trump gets 42 percent. The survey was carried out on Monday and Wednesday, i.e. after Biden resigned. In the same survey, 56 percent of those questioned believe that Harris is “mentally sharp”, while only 49 percent think the same about Trump. Speaking at a campaign rally, Harris is by all accounts the Democrats’ presidential candidate. On Tuesday at 20 Norwegian time, she takes the stage in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This is her first campaign meeting after Joe Biden withdrew as a candidate on Sunday. He has pointed to Harris as his successor. Scores of top Democrats have followed suit and given her their support. Wisconsin is a swing state, and one of six states that will probably decide the presidential election this autumn, according to the BBC. In other words, it is absolutely crucial for Harris to win voters here. Who will be second? One of the big questions now is who Harris chooses as his vice presidential candidate. She has a record-breakingly bad time, says USA expert Sofie Høgestøl. – She is behind, and it is still Trump who leads the election, she says. A number of names have been highlighted as highly relevant. Some of them are: AP / NTB Josh ShapiroGovernor of Pennsylvania, which is a crucial state for the Democrats to win. Shapiro is a popular politician. He can also appeal to Republican voters on the fence, Høgestøl believes. AP / NTB Andy Beshear Governor of Kentucky, a red state that is assured Republican victory. But Beshear has previously shown that he can win elections for the blue in conservative circles. He can appeal to voters Harris needs, according to Høgestøl. AP / NTB Gretchen WhitmerGovernor of Michigan, one of the swing states. Whitmer is a popular governor and a name that has been on many people’s lips, according to Høgestøl. But it is unclear whether she actually wants to run for vice president. AP / NTB Mark KellySenator for Arizona, which is also a swing state. Former astronaut. A moderate profile that is well respected, according to Høgestøl. Has shown in the past that he can compete against Republicans. AFP / NTB Pete Buttigieg US Minister of Transport, who speaks Norwegian. He is not governor of one of the key states, but is considered a rising star in the party, according to Høgestøl. He is an orator, and one of the few Democrats who appears on Fox News and does well in debates. Høgestøl points out that Harris will have to think strategically when she chooses vice president. She believes that geography will be an important factor. – The Democrats are dependent on winning the rust belt states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. There, Biden was behind in the opinion polls. So does Harris, says Høgestøl. Therefore, she is wise to choose a candidate who can appeal to the voters there. – It is also important for her to reach out more broadly and choose someone who can compliment her politically, and who perhaps appears a little more moderate, says Høgestøl. She adds that collaboration skills will also be important. – There must be someone you trust and with whom you can collaborate. They will rule together if they win the election, says Høgestøl. Popular governor is favorite A clear favorite is Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro, according to Høgestøl. – Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro is one of the names on everyone’s lips. Many believe that he is the best card, she says. Josh Shapiro (left) with Kamala Harris during a visit to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on July 13. Photo: Kevin Mohatt / Reuters/NTB Shapiro is a popular governor. As a white man, he draws other voters Harris depends on to win. He also appeals to Republican voters, Høgestøl believes. – With Shapiro on the team, Harris can win Pennsylvania. And she will not become president without winning Pennsylvania, as the electoral map looks now, says Høgestøl. Must avoid skeletons in the closet On Tuesday, NBC News writes that Harris has asked for “vetting” for five possible candidates, according to two anonymous sources. Vetting is a process in which the candidates’ suitability is thoroughly examined. – Vetting in the USA would usually take several months. Then I think they will go for a safe election, with a candidate where you don’t think there could be possible problems, says Høgestøl. In the vetting, any skeletons in the closet must also be uncovered to prevent future scandals. – It is important for Harris to choose a candidate from whom no skeletons fall out. That no information comes out about the candidate that could weaken Harris’ election campaign, says Høgestøl. Published 23/07/2024, at 19.28 Updated 23.07.2024, at 19.40
