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Charlotte Dujardin (39) is Britain’s most successful female Olympian ever, along with cyclist Dame Laura Kenny. But the 39-year-old, who has won an Olympic medal in horse dressage six times, has withdrawn from the Olympics in Paris, which start this week. The Briton is now under investigation by the International Equestrian Federation (FEI), as well as two English federations. The background for the investigation is a video from a coaching class, which is supposed to be four years old. “It shows that I’m making a mistake,” Dujardin explained in a statement on Tuesday. news has not seen the video, but sources have told the BBC that it must have been sent directly to the FEI. “What happened was completely out of character and does not reflect how I train my horses or train my students, but there is no excuse,” the accomplished rider said. “I am deeply ashamed and should have been a better example at that moment,” the 39-year-old writes further. DESERVED: Charlotte Dujardin smiles here for the Olympic bronze she won in individual dressage in Tokyo in 2021. She also won bronze in the team competition in the same Games. Photo: Reuters – Animal welfare trumps everything Dujardin says in the statement that she was “genuinely sorry” for her actions and that she was “devastated” to have let the team, supporters and sponsors down. She also writes that she will cooperate fully with the FEI and the two British equestrian federations during the investigation, and that she will not make any further comments until it is completed. 3 OLYMPIC GOLD: Charlotte Dujardin won two golds on home soil when London hosted the Olympics in 2012, and won one gold in Rio de Janeiro in 2016. Photo: AP President of the Norwegian Riders’ Association Tore Sannum has just been sent the news when news gets in touch. – It is surprising. It just shows the extent to which horse welfare must be taken seriously in our sport. When you are confronted with videos showing improper handling of horses four years ago, it says something about the focus, says Sannum and adds: – This is something that both the FEI and the Norwegian Equestrian Association focus on all the time. If we are to have a sport in the future, it is the welfare of the animals that trumps everything. Nor has Sannum seen the video, but has read Dujardin’s statements. – She lies down completely flat. It tells us that we are on the right track. What happened four years ago should not have happened. She is taking the consequences of that today. PRESIDENT: Tore Sannum in the Norwegian Equestrian Association. Photo: NTB – In the past, methods have been used, which were not necessarily perceived as wrong at the time. But the more knowledge we have gained, the more we have gained a stronger focus on animal welfare, explains Sannum. Although Dujardin has not been sentenced yet, she is therefore withdrawing from the Olympics. – It tells me that we have come a long way with horse welfare, when you consider the consequences of what happened. Then you see today that there is no excuse. What we did before is not ok. – What did you do before, and not now? – There is a very strong focus on several things in equestrian sports now. It can be long-distance transport, medication of horses, going outside, what kind of bit and spurs you use. There is a focus on all areas of equestrian sport. There was a more heavy-handed use of coercion in the past, which is not accepted today, explains Sannum. The dressage competition in the Olympics starts on Tuesday 30 July, where Norwegian Isabel Freese will participate. Published 23/07/2024, at 19.05 Updated 23.07.2024, at 19.18
