Shared bathing beach with reindeer in the summer heat in Finnmark – news Troms and Finnmark

– Look at that, it’s absolutely insane, says Bertine Johnsen excitedly. In Hamningberg in Båtsfjord municipality, she and Magnus Akselsen Rose are not the only ones who bathe. A herd of reindeer has also made the trip to the beach to cool off. And that on a beach located in an arctic climate zone, which means that it is not very often that the temperature rises above 10 degrees. – It is a strange experience. When you bathe and see reindeer at the same time, it’s cool, says Rose. The young couple have really felt the summer heat in northern Norway in recent days. the region has reigned over the country’s hottest places. And it won’t give up completely yet. On Tuesday, Finnmark will be the hottest and driest, according to the state meteorologist. The young couple had an experience when several reindeer made their way to the beach in the heat. This was in Hamningberg in Båtsfjord municipality. Photo: Hanne Wilhelms / news Got a tropical night According to state meteorologist Eldbjørg Moxnes, there was a tropical night in several places in Finnmark on the night of Tuesday. Lebesby, Alta, Slettnes lighthouse and Makkaur lighthouse all had temperatures that were never below 20 degrees. Nordland also had several places with tropical nights, at Kråva lighthouse and at Stedsje. According to the state meteorologist, the fine weather continues. Nordland can expect some rainfall eventually, the same with Troms beyond Tuesday afternoon. While in Finnmark it will stay fine, with temperatures up to 30 degrees. – So Finnmark is the weather winner, if you want it to be the warmest and driest, says Moxnes. The bath with reindeer Magnus has family from Finnmark. He thinks the weather is lovely, and says that it is not usually like this: – No, I would say this is unique. There are not many of those days here that I have experienced. In addition to reindeer, the couple say they have also seen a whale. Several reindeer were seen on the beach at Kiberg in Vardø. Photo: Hanne Wilhelms / news Along the road towards Hamingberg, just in the area around Persfjord, Laila Astrid Borgersen and Liv Halonen sit and pick scented grass in the fine weather. – I think it’s far too hot. We’re not used to that, you know. We are just looking for shade, but I had promised Liv that we would pick today, so we have to make it happen, says Laila. The last time she can remember it being so hot in Persfjord was during her childhood in the 1960s. Then her mother sent her and a friend down into the cellar to cool off and eat a cold potato, Laila says with a laugh. Laila Astrid Borgersen sits by the side of the road and picks grass that will become fragrant grass. Photo: Hanne Wilhelms / news Not unique, but not everyday food Finnmark as the warmest place in the country is not common, but not unique either. Although Sevim Müller, meteorologist at the weather forecast in Northern Norway, does not have statistics on this, she has experienced it before. – It happens, but it is not an everyday occurrence, but it does happen once in a while. – It is incredibly interesting to follow the temperatures anyway. The fact that it is warmest in Finnmark is actually a bit funny. But the heat comes with an aftertaste. Too hot weather, little rainfall and little wind increase the risk of forest fires. – We have sent out a danger warning about that as well. It is a direct consequence of the high temperatures that we have now, and that we have had in recent days. High pressure and warm air from the southeast bring good weather in Finnmark. Photo: Vervarslinga for Northern Norway High pressure on Kola means good weather Sevim Müller says the high temperatures in Finnmark are about warm air masses coming from the continent, via Russia. High pressure on the Kola Peninsula, north-east Russia, means fine weather and sunshine in Finnmark. Good weather will also arrive in Svalbard on Tuesday. – On Tuesday, the warm air will reach Svalbard. It looks like they will get around 18 degrees there too. It is probably very special. Eastern Finnmark will be the weather winner in the coming days Photo: Hanne Wilhelms / news Eastern Finnmark is the weather winner going forward Even if the weather turns in Nordland, Troms and eventually Western Finnmark, it will remain stable in Eastern Finnmark. – It seems to stay with staying weather in eastern areas. And that there will otherwise be some rain on Thursday, says Moxnes. She says that it will be a little colder in the county on Thursday, also in the east, but that this is temporary. Published 23/07/2024, at 08.08 Updated 23.07.2024, at 08.25
