– Why isn’t the floundering signposted? – news Vestland

For passers-by on the E39, the sandy slopes are inviting for a good night’s sleep to the sound of the river and the chirping of birds. Locals, on the other hand, are familiar with the fact that the Votedal river between Sandane in Gloppen and Skei in Sunnfjord can grow rapidly in a short time due to rainfall and snowmelt. It offered some dramatic hours for ten bewildered tourists, who parked on Sunday evening and slept on dry ground. – We woke up with water up to our legs. Why can’t the floundering man be divorced, they ask on Monday morning. The road is under water The tourists do not wish to be named, but are clearly distraught over the situation. They had to act quickly as the rainfall on Sunday evening and the night to Monday caused the river to rise. Then it was just a matter of moving the tent to the highest point. The tourists were allowed to move the tent to a height by the Votedal river. Photo: Preben Nedreberg Holmøy / news The short road to the E39 is under water. – The challenge is that the water is so high that they cannot get up to the road and beyond, but this is expected to improve during the day, says operations manager Tor André Brakstad at the West police district. The police received the message via AMK at 03:00. – The first reports were that several people in tents were in danger of being swept away by water, because the river started to rise, says Brakstad. A patrol was sent to the city. There they counted four caravans and tourists in three or four tents that were stranded in the rising river. – The assessment was that there was no immediate danger that they would be drawn. The tent got up to a height, so they are dry. The vans are standing with a little water on their tyres, but there is no immediate danger, says Brakstad. NVE: – No obligation to separate It is not the first time that overnight guests have been surprised by the rapidly growing Votedalselv. – But it is not always as easy for tourists to make those assessments as it is for locals. That’s how it was this time, says Brakstad. The Norwegian Directorate of Waterways and Energy (NVE) are the ones who manage the waterways in Norway. They are also the ones who warn of the risk of flooding in the event of temperature changes and large amounts of rainfall. – There was so much rain in Votedalen that it was not entirely unexpected that the river would rise, says Aart Verhage. Photo: ODDMUND REISÆTER HAUGEN / news – There is no requirement to warn of the danger of fainting. NVE also does not have the authority to order someone to sign, says regional director Aart Verhage. Responsibility for own safety Verhage says many rivers in Western Norway are exposed to temperature differences. Especially rivers that come from glaciers, such as Votedalselva. He reminds that everyone, including tourists, is responsible for their own actions and safety. – It would have been different if the area had been prepared for camping. Then one should perhaps separate, but then it is the landowner and the municipality who can do that, he says. Although Votedalen may look inviting to tourists, it is not arranged for accommodation. – The landscape in Western Norway is such that rivers can rise a lot in a few hours, and you should think about that when camping by a river, he says. Votedalselva between Gloppen and Sunnfjord is a popular overnight stop for many tourists on the E39. Published 22.07.2024, at 10.39
