“Ivar takes responsibility” by Arnfinn Kolerud – news Culture and entertainment

The worst thing about Arnfinn Kolerud’s new book is the title. You will have to look for a less tempting title for a long time! The best thing about the book is everything else. This is a really good children’s book. Now that is not surprising, because Arnfinn Kolerud is one of the finest children’s book authors we have. The text is as always surprising. The strength of Kolerud lies precisely in the fact that you never know which way the story will take. Another quality is the playful language. Inventive This time we are at the start of the long, delicious summer holiday: Eight weeks of summer holiday is too much, father thinks. He says that Ivar must get a summer job. Furthermore, it is now the case, with the pocket money, that they go the opposite way. From today, it is Ivar who will give his parents pocket money. Then he can learn a bit about how children in other countries fare, say the parents. HOME: Arnfinn Kolerud (55) in his garden at Flatraket. He comes from Isfjorden in Romsdal and made his debut with “Berre ikkje brøyteplogen kjem” in 1996, and received the Ministry of Culture’s debut prize for children’s and youth literature for it. He is also known to many readers for “The one who has not hidden himself now” and “Snillionen”. Photo: Marius Beck Dahle / news The dialogues make it clear Ivar is not that interested in that. And he expresses this loudly and clearly. His expressions are full of life. I get an immediate feeling that this is what a boy in the opposition might say. And the same with the parents; they almost go on autopilot when talking about what’s in store for kids on their way into their teens. Yes, Kolerud also has a firm grip on the dialogues. They are direct, tight, but also subtle. Like when Ivar comes home to one of the people who saw the note he put up outside the shop. The job assignments are pouring in, without the enthusiasm growing for that reason: “Ivar gets responsibility” has received support from the organization Reader seeks book. This may indicate that Kolerud has put several pins in the crosshairs in order for the text to be as accessible as possible. And it is, with short chapters, lots of witty dialogue and a wild and dramatic build-up. Because it ends in disaster. And not just one. The struggle for existence Arnfinn Kolerud thematizes work and finances. Many children’s books are about families who can’t afford it. Ivar’s family is not among them. Kolerud has written about money – and the longing for it – before, in the smart book “Snillionen”. There, Frank and mum won a bunch of millions in the lottery. Frank wants to go to the South and build a swimming pool. The mother wants them to live online as before. One thing they agree on, and that is that they will distribute some money to the person or people in the village who do the best for others. Thus, young and old compete to be the kindest, and a wave of good deeds wash over the local community. There is of course a moral at the bottom, just as it does in “Ivar takes responsibility”. But I don’t see any pointers. The insistence on work and duty from Ivar’s parents failed. Jamvel Ivar learns a lot from the summer job. In the eyes of the outside world, he was a total failure. But Ivar has become handy and creative. He has gained experience. The truth doesn’t always win And isn’t it the case that those who work and toil deserve honor and glory far more than those who just drive the tank? Ivar gains valuable experience when his best friend Maja would rather be in the company of the self-righteous lazy Mons, a holiday guest who pretends to be someone other than who he is. Truth and lies are at stake at Kolerud. But like the experienced writer that he is, he does not let the story flow in certain that the truth will win in the end. Because the world is big and full of challenges. At least that’s what Ivar learns, this first summer when he got a job and lost some childish illusions. What would you do with 24 million? Hear the announcement of Kolerud’s “Snillion” in Open book: news announces Photo: Samlaget Title: Ivar takes responsibility Author: Arnfinn Kolerud Genre: Children’s novel Publisher: Samlaget Date: Spring 2024 Number of pages: 194 Hi! I am a literary critic at news, and I write about books for both children and adults. Among the really good children’s books I’ve read recently is “Oskar og eg” by Maria Parr and Åshild Irgens. Also feel free to read the story about Emil in Lønneberget, the fair-haired game maker who is a real classic. Published 22.07.2024, at 06.30
