Red level for grass and heather fires in large parts of northern Norway – news Troms and Finnmark

The Meteorological Institute has issued a yellow danger warning for heather and grass fires for large parts of northern Norway. The danger warning applies to all of Troms and Finnmark, and as far south as Bodø. It applies to Sunday and early Monday. The danger level will be upgraded in several places in Troms and Finnmark from Monday. The forecast for Monday: Light red level corresponds to a high possibility of forest fire. Photo: Meteorological Institute On Monday, the danger level is at the highest level, i.e. red level, in Balsfjord, Målselv and on the mainland in Senja municipality. The same applies to a number of places in Nord-Troms and Finnmark. On Tuesday, it will be almost completely red in Aust-Finnmark and along the coast of Vest-Finnmark. This is clear from the weather forecast’s forest fire danger index. The forecast for Tuesday: Dark red level means that an already challenging situation can become even worse, for example by the wind starting to blow. Photo: Meteorological institute Heading south On Sunday, according to the forest fire danger index, there is a high risk of forest fire also along the coast of Trøndelag, and several places in the interior of Western Norway. The hot and dry weather has also created a risk of forest fires in several places along the coast and in Eastern Norway. Rain is expected tomorrow in Trøndelag, Eastern Norway, Southern Norway and several places in Western Norway. With the rain, the forest fire danger is moving south. – Avoid fire Fire chief in Senja, Målselv and Balsfjord, Arnstein Smevik, is aware that the situation in the north is serious. – What is scary now is that the terrain is completely dry. This applies to both the inland and the coast. We have had very little rainfall recently, with the exception of some short showers inland last Friday. They don’t particularly mature, because they evaporate immediately, says Smevik. Fire chief in Senja, Målselv and Balsfjord, Arnstein Smevik. Photo: Pål Hansen / news Over 30 degrees were reported inland in Troms on Monday. The northerners can see rain for a long time early this week. The call to the fire chief for the coming days is clear: – If you are out in the terrain, you must be particularly careful with fires and disposable grills. It is allowed to use established campfires, but have a bucket of water nearby at all times. He explains that sparks can spread. Then there is not much that needs to be done before it can become a critical situation. – People must be careful and think that any use of open fire can lead to the fire in the terrain, says the fire chief. Fears new large fire Earlier this spring, his crew in Senja fire and rescue moved out to a large fire in the terrain of Sør-Senja. The fire chief fears a repeat of a major fire if people are careless with the use of fire. The wind caused the fire to spread quickly and in several directions. This is what it looked like after the fire ravaged Senja almost two months ago. Photo: Malin Straumsnes / news The fire chief asks people to do everything they can to prevent it from happening again. – If it is discovered that a terrain fire has occurred as a result of careless behaviour, then the police can punish people with fines for that, says Smevik. Published 21.07.2024, at 19.40 Updated 21.07.2024, at 21.31
