Israel confirms attack in Yemen – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Thick smoke still hangs over the port city of Hodeida in Yemen, where the fire service is battling the flames from yesterday’s attack. Israeli warplanes hit, among other things, a power plant and a fuel storage facility at the port on Saturday evening. The city is controlled by the Houthi militia, a Shia Muslim rebel group that says it supports Hamas’s fight against Israel in the Gaza Strip. Israel says this is a response to Friday’s attack in Tel Aviv. On Sunday, the Houthis responded with a missile attack. Photo: – / AFP The death toll has risen to six on Sunday afternoon, say the Houthi-controlled health authorities in Yemen. Pictures and videos from Hodeida show young men with serious burns on their faces and bodies. The Houthis promised to respond quickly and brutally, and on Sunday morning they will send several missiles against the Israeli holiday town of Eilat. Israel says they have shot down a missile. Will not stop until Israel stops fighting in Gaza Eilat, which is located on the Red Sea, has been the target of attacks by the Houthis several times in the past. They say they attacked Israel to show support for Hamas in the war on the Gaza Strip. Houthi members and supporters protest against Israel’s war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The demonstration was in the Yemeni capital Sana’a in June. Photo: Khaled Abdullah / Reuters It was on 19 October last year that the Iranian-backed rebel group started sending missiles and drones at Israel to demand an end to the invasion. Several times Houthi members have said that they will not stop sending rockets until Israel withdraws from Gaza. A message to the entire Middle East The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) says that the attack on Hodeida on Saturday was a response to “hundreds of attacks” from the Houthis. For the most part, the many drones and rockets have not penetrated the Israeli air force. But on Friday, one person was killed in a drone attack against Tel Aviv. That was what triggered the attack on Hodeida, where Israel attacked with several warplanes. They hit several targets at the port, which Israel believes are being used for military purposes. – The first time the Houthis injured an Israeli citizen, we hit back. And we will do it again where necessary, said Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. Mourners at the funeral of Yevgeny Ferder on Sunday morning. Ferder who was killed in the Houthis’ drone attack on Tel Aviv. Photo: Ricardo Moraes / Reuters He said that the attack should send a signal to the entire region. – The flames burning in Hodeida now are visible throughout the Middle East. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the attack is a reminder to the country’s enemies that “there is no place Israel cannot reach”. Photo: – / AFP Six people were killed and 87 wounded in the attack, according to Houthi-controlled health authorities in Yemen. The Houthis promised to immediately respond to the attack. Among other Houthi member Mohammed al-Bukhaiti wrote on social media that “Israel will pay”. Fears for ordinary Yemenis The Houthis control large parts of Yemen, not least most of the coast towards the Red Sea. In recent months, they have attacked several ships passing through the Gulf of Adan in the Red Sea, which has provoked attacks from both the United States and Great Britain. This in turn has caused aid organizations to withdraw from Yemen. Millions of Yemenis depend on aid that comes in through the port of Hodeida. The Houthis have been at war with the Yemeni government for ten years. It has become a bloody civil war that has sent the country into one of the biggest humanitarian disasters in the world. Yemenis are dependent on emergency aid that comes in via the port of Hodeida. The port is Houthi-controlled, and Israel and several other countries believe it is also being used to bring in military equipment for the rebel group. The picture is from 2021. Photo: KHALED ZIAD / AFP The port in Hodeida has been so to speak untouched during the war, but now Saturday’s attack on the fuel storage there causes Yemen expert Nicholas Brumfield to write the following on X: – The attack will have serious humanitarian consequences for millions of Yemenis living in Houthi-controlled Yemen. He thinks it will fire up the prices of fuel and goods transported by trucks. Published 20.07.2024, at 19.05 Updated 21.07.2024, at 14.54
