Trump with first public meeting after the assassination – Latest news – news

21 July 2024 at 01:11 Trump with first public meeting after the assassination Former President Donald Trump held his first public meeting after the assassination last weekend on the night of Sunday Norwegian time. With him was his vice presidential candidate JD Vance. – We will come back bigger, stronger and better, Trump said from the podium in Grand Rapids in the state of Michigan, according to NTB. – We are more united and more determined than ever, continued the ex-president, who no longer had the large white bandage on his ear, as he had during the national meeting earlier in the week. He also used the speech to mock the Democrats and pressure Joe Biden to resign. – They have no idea who their candidate is. This guy has run for office, and he’s garnered votes, and now they want to take it away from him. And that’s democracy? Trump said to cheers from the 12,000 audience in attendance.
