Adidas drops Bella Hadid advertisement – Latest news – news

20 July 2024 at 21:01 Adidas drops Bella Hadid advertisement The half-Palestinian supermodel Bella Hadid was engaged by Adidas to create an advertising campaign for the relaunch of a type of retro shoe that was first made for the Munich Olympics in 1972. Adidas confirms to AFP that Hadid has been removed from the campaign. According to the BBC, the decision came after several people reacted to pictures of Hadid wearing the shoes. Israel was among those who reacted. On the state’s official account on X, they commented on the Adidas campaign on Thursday. There they point out that eleven Israelis were killed by Palestinian terrorists in the Munich Olympics, and claim that Hadid is anti-Semitic who incites violence against Jews. Bella Hadid, daughter of Dutch ex-model Yolanda Hadid and American-Palestinian real estate mogul Mohamed Hadid, has shown her support for Palestine openly on social media. Hadid herself has also received support on social media from people who believe Adidas should be boycotted for pulling the campaign.
