– Should strongly consider resigning – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

– I hope Biden is open to withdrawing, says parliamentary representative and former Liberal deputy leader Ola Elvestuen to news. He speaks on behalf of the Liberals and says the Democrats must make a decision based on which candidate has the greatest chance of winning the important states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Elvestuen and the rest of the Storting follow the election drama in the USA with great interest – and a not inconsiderable uneasiness. Because the outcome of the election will have great significance – also for Norway. – It is urgent to clarify who the Democrats will field as a candidate to beat Trump in the decisive election in November, says the Labor Party’s foreign policy spokesperson Åsmund Aukrust to news. AP-TOPPER: The Labor Party’s foreign policy spokesperson Åsmund Aukrust (left) together with Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide. Photo: Amanda Iversen Orlich / news Should consider Norway’s top politicians have noticed the debate about Joe Biden’s suitability. His disastrous performance in the televised debate against Trump has reinforced the impression of a president weakened by old age, who is now under considerable pressure from several quarters to resign. Demands are being raised deep within the Democratic Party that Biden step down and let another candidate front the ballot in November. KrF’s deputy chairman and foreign policy spokesperson Dag Inge Ulstein expresses understanding for this view. SHOULD CONSIDER: KrF deputy leader Dag Inge Ulstein believes Joe Biden should “strongly consider” withdrawing as a presidential candidate at the election in November. Photo: Tom Balgaard / news – Unfortunately, it seems that Biden is strongly affected by age, so it is quite possible to understand those who have concerns about his age and overall state of health. It is incredibly important that the American president is able to carry out his duties, says Ulstein to news. When asked if he thinks Biden should resign, he replies that he “should strongly consider it”. – Need someone who can win SV leader Kirsti Bergstø says it should come as no surprise that SV believes the USA would have benefited from a “far more radical candidate than Biden”. SV leader Kirsti Bergstø Photo: Amanda Iversen Orlich / n20713 – The Democrats themselves must find out who they will have as a candidate through their democratic processes. But they obviously need someone who can win against Trump, she says. The Labor Party’s Åsmund Aukrust will not answer whether he himself thinks Joe Biden should resign, but says it is up to the Democratic Party to find out who is best suited. The same answer comes from the head of the foreign affairs committee, Ine Eriksen Søreide from the Conservative Party: – It is up to the Democrats and Republicans to choose their candidates, and up to the Americans to choose the president, she says. Published 20.07.2024, at 20.40
