Brick wall has collapsed in the center of Bergen – news Vestland

20 July 2024 at 14:59 Brick wall has collapsed in Bergen city center Parts of a brick wall on a building in Bergen city center have collapsed, towards the street from Vaskerelven 5. The road is therefore closed. No one is said to have been injured when the brick wall collapsed into the road, the police report. The house has been undergoing renovation over a period of time, and there are no residents in the building. The police have set up cordon around the area, while the fire service is working to remove loose building material. – The condition of the building is unsafe, and we encourage people to respect the police’s cordon, says operations manager Lars Petter Lorvik in the fire service. Lorvik believes it may be difficult to secure the entire building. – We fear that the entire facade could collapse. Now we remove what has been fixed, then another company must come in and secure this completely
