Tagged Nazi symbols at the post terminal – news Buskerud – Local news, TV and radio

The police have started an investigation after damage was done to the post terminal at Åssiden in Drammen during the night. Nazi symbols have been tagged on several post trucks, as well as on the building and signs with a yellow spray can. A swastika has also been tagged on a container by the tennis hall. The police are taking the case seriously. – We have documented all the damage and secured traces at the scene, says operations manager in the South-East police district, Lise Bjørnsund. The police are investigating the vandalism at the postal terminal. Photo: Anders Haualand / news 88-spraying Several cars have also been sprayed with 88. 88 is a designation neo-Nazis use for “heil Hitler”, since H is the eighth letter of the alphabet. – We check out current mode candidates, i.e. people who have done similar things in the past, says Bjørnsund. – Is the area monitored by cameras? – Yes, we have brought in video material, and there is a person caught on camera. So far, no witnesses to the incident have come forward, and the police want to get in touch with people who saw something. The police have carried out technical investigations on the spot, and are checking relevant mode candidates – i.e. people who have done similar things in the past. Call it tragic The Post Terminal in Drammen is located in the district of Åssiden, just outside the city centre. – It was a neighboring company here that discovered this and notified us. We have fixed routines for this, and the police were here this morning, says Posten’s distribution manager, Tom Burnick. He calls the situation tragic, and says it could also have major consequences for customers. – We have a few cars left now that it is holiday time, but normally all our cars should be out on the roads. Then some customers could end up not receiving mail or parcels today. Published 19.07.2024, at 09.33 Updated 19.07.2024, at 11.23
