Temperature record for June at Svalbard Airport – news Troms and Finnmark

In June, the measuring station at Svalbard Airport near Longyearbyen measured the highest average temperature since records began almost 50 years ago. At the measuring station, the average temperature was 6.1 degrees. It is a whopping 2.5 degrees above what is considered normal, and the warmest month of June recorded at the measuring station, writes Svalbardposten. The old record from 2022 was 6.0 degrees. – We cannot draw certain conclusions based on the June figures alone, but nevertheless sense a development that is in line with the researchers’ forecasts. The backdrop is climate change, says state meteorologist Per Egil Haga at the Meteorological Institute to the newspaper. According to the state meteorologist, climate change affects northern areas earlier and more strongly than areas further south in Europe. Earlier this month, a new rainfall record was set in Longyearbyen. In one day, it rained more than the July normal. Warmest at Kvadehuken Ny-Ålesund had an average temperature of 5.4 degrees, which is 2.6 degrees above normal. This is the second highest average temperature recorded for June, only beaten by 2022 with 5.6 degrees. The month’s maximum temperature was measured at Kvadehuken II. 12.8 degrees were measured there on 21 June. The lowest minimum temperature was -4.3 degrees and was measured on Karl XII island on 18 June. Tourists are freezing Marketing and communications manager at the destination company Visit Svalbard, Isabelle Johansen, says that the tourists, despite arriving in record heat, think it is cool when they arrive in Svalbard. – Many of the tourists still think it’s cold. A week ago it was windy and sour, so you had to dress well, she says. Tourists can still choose from many offers they can find in the heat. – Dog walks can be canceled if the temperature rises above 14 degrees, and the rain makes it less pleasant to go on long walks. But nothing has been canceled yet, she says. Published 19.07.2024, at 11.29 Updated 19.07.2024, at 11.31
