Completely empty of water at several shops after a boil warning in Oslo and Nordre Follo – Greater Oslo

Many people in the Oslo area acted quickly when they were told to boil their water on Thursday. July 18. – The message from the municipality about a boil warning was sent out around four o’clock yesterday, and three hours later there was no water here, says Olve Ytre-Arne. This SMS went out to residents in three districts in Oslo on Thursday. Photo: Faksimile / NTB He is assistant store manager for Extra at Langhus, one of the stores that is now noticing the trend. – I’ll be honest and say that when you called now, I thought at first that you called to ask if we have water, he laughs. Just since this morning, several people have called the store to find out if there is bottled water there. Ytre-Arne must then disappoint them. – It’s completely empty here. HERE IT APPLIES: The recommendation to boil the water applies to approx. 100,000 inhabitants in the district of Nordstrand, parts of the districts of Søndre Nordstrand and Østensjø and parts of Nordre Follo municipality. Ordered 1,000 liters Also in Coop Prix Østmarkveien in Oppsal there is absolutely no water. – After the boil warning came out yesterday, it took 30 minutes before the water was sold out. People still come in and ask for water, but the next delivery will not arrive until Monday, says store manager Jørgen Andersen. At the Rema 1000 Sæterkrysset on Nordstrand, they were quick to order up 1000 liters of water. – A lot disappeared yesterday, so we ordered quite a lot today, says assistant store manager, Leon Grimshave. – The water should last the weekend, but if not, we will have another delivery before opening hours on Monday. There is no doubt that there are many water customers stopping by now. Grimshave took action quickly and ordered a lot of water. So they still have water available in their shop on Nordstrand. Photo: Leon Grimshave / Privat May take several days The contamination was discovered in routine tests of the water at the Skullerud treatment plant, which supplies parts of Oslo and Nordre Follo. The source of the contamination has still not been found. Communications manager Jean-Yves Gallardo at the Water and Sewerage Agency says they cannot answer what has polluted the water. Photo: Jørgen Mo / Oslo municipality – We have indications and findings of some contamination in the drinking water, but we need to analyze it more, says head of communications in the Water and Wastewater Agency in Oslo municipality, Jean-Yves Gallardo. He understands that people get impatient. – This always takes some time. We have to take samples in several different places, and we have to follow strict procedures for analyzing water, he says. Gallardo says they need to take more tests, and then analyze the answers. – It can take several days, he says. SUPPLY: Skullerud water treatment plant supplies the areas of Nordstrand, Holmlia, Lambertseter and Brannfjell in Oslo, and parts of Nordre Follo municipality. Photo: Rolf Petter Olaisen / news Must boil the water at least until Monday 100,000 residents in Oslo and Nordre Follo must therefore still boil their water for the next few days. It was yesterday that the authorities came out and warned that the drinking water from the Skullerud water treatment plant appears to be contaminated. – The earliest time we will lift the boil warning will probably be Monday, says Gallardo. The boil alert applies to the districts of Østensjø, Nordstrand and Søndre Nordstrand, as well as parts of Nordre Follo municipality. Published 19.07.2024, at 12:48 p.m
