The drone that attacked Tel Aviv was Iranian-made and was probably sent from Yemen – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Israeli military spokesman Daniel Hagari said on Friday morning that the drone was Iranian-made and that it was probably fired from Yemen. The Houthis’ military spokesman said on Friday morning that they have attacked the Israeli city with a drone, and that the militia will continue to attack Israel in solidarity with the Palestinians affected by the Gaza war. The anti-aircraft sirens were not triggered ahead of the explosion, which hit a building in the center of Tel Aviv. Human failure was the reason why the drone was not caught by the air defense systems, the Israeli Air Force stated in a statement reproduced by the newspaper Haaretz on Friday morning. The Israeli military IDF says it has increased patrols in the air after the incident. The IDF’s initial investigations suggest that the explosion was caused by a “target from the air”. Shrapnel rained down on Tel Aviv, and the city’s mayor, Ron Huldai, quickly referred to it as a drone strike in a message on social media. Israeli police work at the scene of the explosion in Tel Aviv on Friday. Photo: Oded Balilty / AP Man with splinter injuries Earlier, the Houthi militia’s information minister also told TV 2 that they were the ones who attacked Tel Aviv on Friday night. – Tel Aviv was bombed by the Yemeni armed forces with a new weapon that will be announced in the next statement, said the group’s information minister Nasr al-Din Amer. The explosion took place at around 3.15 a.m. in a building in the center of the city. Two people were slightly injured, the ambulance service Magen David Adom’s spokesperson Zaki Heller stated at first. – The police, together with ambulance and rescue crews, found a man in his 50s in a nearby building. He was dead in his apartment, with shrapnel wounds to his body, said a statement from the police on Friday morning. A further ten people with minor injuries are being treated as a result of the attack, the police added. Thorough investigation Al-Jazeera writes that white smoke could be seen rising from the area, but the emergency services quickly stated that there was no fire at the site. Residents nearby told of objects that broke as a result of the explosion, writes the Jerusalem Post. – Preliminary investigations show that it was caused by an aerial target crashing. No alarms were triggered. A thorough investigation is underway, the IDF said in a statement. A short time earlier, the Houthi militia’s military spokesperson said on X that they will reveal details of a military operation against the Israeli metropolis. Published 19.07.2024, at 11.39
