No hope for Biden – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

Their job is to make politicians appear as good as possible – and avoid scandals. We have asked some of Norway’s leading spin doctors how they would try to save Joe Biden. When the crisis hits, it’s their job to get it out of the way as quickly as possible. They strategize and try to make the boss appear as good as possible. They are communications advisers, but we in the media often call them spin doctors. They create “spin”, an English term that means to turn or steer a message in a certain direction. 1. Sigbjørn Aanes The man who helped secure the election victory for Erna Solberg in 2013, and was her spin doctor until the election in 2017, says this about Team Biden’s opportunities to turn things around: – It seems to be very difficult to get out of this, when so many important Democrats say you should resign for the sake of the country and the party. Conservative leader Erna Solberg and former adviser Sigbjørn Aanes photographed together at the annual conference of NHO in 2022. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB Aanes points out that it is difficult to give advice as an adviser when you are so far away. – But seen from the outside, it is difficult to see any other way than that he should withdraw and step aside. The unrest in the Democratic Party has not subsided after the famous debate at the end of June. And over the past week, several politicians have called for Biden to step down, including former Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi. – Who would have thought that it was the opponent of Trump’s mental health that we would discuss, and not Donald Trump, says Aanes. – Is it simply impossible to save Biden? – Yes, quite simply. Anything can happen in politics, but it’s starting to look tough, Aanes replies. 2. Cato Husabø Fossen The former news journalist who guided Solberg through her toughest time in politics, the share case last autumn, is after all grateful that he works with Norwegian politics. – The more I see and read from the American election campaign, the more grateful I become for living in Norway and working in and with Norwegian politics. – Is it possible for Biden to get out of this dump? – I think it is possible to get out of the vast majority of dumps. In Biden’s case, it will be extremely exciting to see, as what now seems to be constructed as his biggest challenge is his age and cognitive state, despite the fact that Trump is only four years younger, Fossen answers. Whether there is hope for Biden in the presidential election, Fossen leaves it to the American people to answer. – It will be exciting to follow what remains of the election campaign. Communications manager in the Conservative Party and adviser to Erna Solberg, Cato Husebø Fossen. Photo: right 3. Sindre Fossum Beyer Fossum Beyer was an adviser to Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg from 2009, and assisted, among other things, with the handling of 22 July. Today he is CEO of TRY Råd. He too sees little hope for four new years with Biden in the Oval Office. As Biden’s adviser, Beyer would take the conversation with the sitting president about whether he is the right man to be the presidential candidate for the Democrats this year. – I think the answer to that is no. The opinion polls show that. He thinks the best thing now would be to pass the place on to the vice-president. – Although it might be too late, I think it might be the best chance. I think Trump is well positioned to win this election. At least that’s how things look now. Former Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg (Ap) together with political adviser Sindre Fossum Beyer (tv) and State Secretary Halvard Ingebrigtsen in 2013. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB 4. Beate Nossum Nossum has extensive experience as a journalist and editor, and has also been communications manager for Gunnhild Stordalen’s foundation EAT. Previously, she was a partner in First House. – There is no way he can be saved, either internally or externally in the party. He has squandered all his chances, and recent events have probably not strengthened his chances further either. Nossum’s foremost advice as Biden’s adviser would also have been to pass the seat on to a new presidential candidate. – He must leave it to younger forces and use the next few months to promote the new presidential candidate. And that advice from my side would be obvious, she says. Trump recently announced the appointment of Ohio Senator James David Vance (39) as his vice presidential candidate. Nossum believes that makes Biden appear even older, and even less vital. – He has shown his weakest side when he has been ill. Then he has demonstrated to the American people and the world at large that he is not really capable of thinking normally and acting normally. Biden has recently contracted corona and had to cancel a speech at a conference in Las Vegas on Thursday. – I think the covid case was the hook on the door to the oval office, quite simply, says Nossum. 5. Espen Teigen Teigen was a spin doctor for Frp leader Sylvi Listhaug, and was, among other things, behind a Facebook post that ended up costing her her job. He is now charged with gross fraud for wrongfully obtaining a commuter home. Teigen believes he is innocent. He is today a journalist for the website Document. – If I were to give him personal advice, it would be to retire, says Espen Teigen. SKÅL: Espen Teigen at Frp’s election vigil on 13 September 2021. Photo: Eskil Wie Furunes / news Teigen highlights Biden’s age as one of his biggest obstacles in the race for a new presidential term. – There are very few people at the age of 81 who can cope with a normal tough job, not to mention being president, which is probably the worst job in the world. Teigen does not think Biden has much to offer against Trump, who is leading according to opinion polls. – If he is to stand as a presidential candidate, then the Democrats don’t have much of a chance against Trump, as strong as he appears now. – But if I were an adviser to Biden, and were a covert agent for Trump, then I would like Biden to run, says Teigen. Published 19.07.2024, at 12.10
