– I had God by my side – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Donald Trump spoke for over an hour and a half, which is unusual for this type of speech. He opened by saying that he is running for president for the entire United States, because “there is no victory to be won for half of America.” – Tonight I accept your nomination to be the next president of the United States, Trump said during the speech to great applause from the audience. To the song “God Bless the USA” sung by Lee Greenwood, Trump took the stage, still wearing the ear bandage. The assassination attempt from last weekend was addressed by Trump. The crowd shouted: fight! fight! fight! Photo: AP Donald Trump spent the first part of his speech talking about the assassination. – Many have asked me what happened and I will tell you. But I don’t want to tell it more times, because it’s too painful. Trump speaks tonight at the national convention in Wisconsin. Photo: AP – If I hadn’t moved my head, the bullet would have hit my head and I wouldn’t be here today. I had God on my side, Trump said. – I shouldn’t have been here today, he said. Talked about immigration, the economy and war The former president had announced that he would write about his national assembly speech and talk about reconciliation. In the speech, he said that he called for unity and advised against criminalizing political disagreements. Then he came right after with an accusation against the Democrats. – The Democrats must stop abusing the legal system to go after their political rivals, with a reference to the legal proceedings Trump is in. Donald Trump still has the ear bandage on after the assassination. Photo: AP He also claimed that he will save democracy. Trump spent much of his speech talking about securing the borders and stabilizing the economy. Immigration and migrants who come to the country illegally were mentioned several times. – I want to stop the illegal migration crisis by building the border wall, Trump said, calling it an “invasion of migrants”. He also talked about the wars going on in Ukraine and Israel, comparing wars under other presidents to his own candidacy. Americans watch Trump’s speech in Washington DC at the Marriot Hotel. Photo: AFP He again claimed that the wars would not have been started if he were president, and that there was peace in the world when he left the White House. – The world is in crisis, war is raging in Europe and the Middle East. World War III looms. But there were many unresolved wars and conflicts in the world at that time. Among other things, American troops were still deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq, civil wars in Syria, Yemen and Somalia and battles between Ukraine and pro-Russian forces in Ukraine’s Donbas region. He made a proposal to build an Iron Dome missile defense system across the country, similar to that used by Israel. It is not a new proposal from the president. According to the BBC, Trump made a spontaneous comment about North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. – I think he misses me, he said. – It’s nice to get along with someone who has nuclear weapons, to the laughter of the audience. Biden has corona The Democratic candidate Joe Biden has corona and is in quarantine in Delaware. He has canceled a speech at a conference in Las Vegas. According to Biden’s doctor, the president has a runny nose and dry cough and a reduced general condition. He has already received the first dose of the antiviral drug Paxlovid, says the doctor. Published 19.07.2024, at 04.07 Updated 19.07.2024, at 06.14
