Unpleasant bathroom experience in Dyreparken: – I don’t think I’ve ever felt so inferior

The case in summary Anette Håkonsen-Hyvärinen, who has an ostomy bag, experienced an unpleasant situation at a disabled toilet in Kristiansand Animal Park when other guests snuck in the queue and entered the toilet while she was there. Anette is open about her situation and tries to explain why she needs to use the disabled toilet, but finds that many people think you have to have a visible disability to use these toilets. Magnhild Sørbotten, deputy chairperson of the Norwegian Handikapforbund, emphasizes that everyone can use the disabled toilet, but encourages people to think about whether there are others who have no other choice. After complaining to the zoo in Kristiansand, Anette received an apology and the zoo expressed that they want everyone to feel welcome and safe. – It speaks volumes when a 43-year-old woman comes out of the toilet crying. What was a perfect trip suddenly became difficult for Anette Håkonsen-Hyvärinen. With several toddlers needing to pee in the dock queue, there were more people who saw their cut in going to the disabled toilet. – The stress level rose, because the ostomy bag started to get full, says Håkonsen-Hyvärinen. Eventually she made it into a changing room, but the problems didn’t stop there. SNUDDE: What was supposed to be a nice family trip turned out a little differently than Håkonsen-Hyvärinen envisioned. Photo: PrivatSNUDDE: What was supposed to be a nice family trip turned out a little differently than Håkonsen-Hyvärinen envisioned. Photo: Privat Got a visit to the bathroom Badeland is not the happiness of life for the mother of young children, because it is difficult with a stoma. Nevertheless, she took courage when the family was recently on holiday in Kristiansand Animal Park. – A father said to his son “we’ll go here, then we’ll skip the queue”, says Håkonsen-Hyvärinen. Finally, the mother of small children made it into a wardrobe that had an attached toilet and two doors. – I locked the door I came from, on the other door it said “this door must always be locked”, so I trusted it and started changing. WHEELCHAIR USERS: The Norwegian Association for the Handicapped feels that many people think the toilets are only for wheelchair users because of the marking. Photo: Christine Ringdahl Karlsen / NRWHEELCHAIR USERS: The Norwegian Handicap Association feels that many people think the toilets are only for wheelchair users because of the marking. Photo: Christine Ringdahl Karlsen / news Then something happened that wasn’t supposed to happen. – Before I know it, I’m standing completely naked and a man with his child comes in the door. This was repeated twice. – I don’t think I have ever felt so low, and at the same time sad, embarrassed and angry. I won’t forget that feeling anytime soon. BODY IS TOP: Anette is not afraid to show off the ostomy bag, but she has to do it on her terms, she says. Photo: Håkon Lie / NRKKBODY IS TOP: Anette is not afraid to show off the ostomy bag, but she has to do it on her premises she says. Photo: Håkon Lie / news Being overlooked Håkonsen-Hyvärinen is usually not afraid to show off her ostomy bag, so that people understand why she needs the disabled toilet. – But I’m not always so tough that I show the bag and say that it will soon overflow, so if I can get ahead of you I’ll be happy, says Håkonsen-Hyvärinen. She is not alone in that. Do you use the disabled toilet even if you don’t need to? 🚽 Yes, and I have every right to do that 😉 Sometimes, if I’m sure no one else needs it before me 🙄 No, never 😡 Show result – Someone has figured out that you have to have a visible disability to get allowed to go to the disabled toilet, it’s not like that. That’s what Deputy Chair Magnhild Sørbotten of the Norwegian Association for the Disabled says. She says that everyone can use the disabled toilet, but makes a request. UNGREIT: Magnhild Sørbotten is very understanding that Anette has had an inappropriate experience and does not think this was okay. Photo: Norges Handikapforbund UNGREIT: Magnhild Sørbotten is very understanding that Anette has had an inappropriate experience and does not think this was okay. Photo: Norway’s Handikapforbund – Think about whether there are people in the queue behind you who have no other choice but to go to the disabled toilet, or whether you might as well go to an ordinary toilet. Regret The animal park has learned from the experience of Håkonsen-Hyvärinen. – We will look at it when the seasons are over, and see if we have to make changes, says marketing and communications director at Dyreparken, Anniken Bjørnstad Schjøtt. SORRY: Anniken Bjørnstad Schjøtt regrets the experience Anette had in the water park that belongs to the animal park in Kristiansand. Photo: Dyreparken SORRY: Anniken Bjørnstad Schjøtt regrets the experience Anette had in the water park that belongs to the animal park in Kristiansand. Photo: Dyreparken – It is incredibly sad to hear that Anette had such an experience. We want everyone to feel welcome, be safe with us and have a good experience. Håkonsen-Hyvärinen was called by Dyreparken, after news contacted them. – I appreciate that they came up with an apology, and that they wondered how things went with me. She has been offered a free ride as a Band-Aid. – Then I asked if I had to bring my own lock for the wardrobe, or if they fixed it, laughs the mother of young children. Hello! Do you have any thoughts on the matter, or tips for something else I should look into? Send me an e-mail: [email protected] Published 18.07.2024, at 20.22
