– We hope no one else has to experience the same as us – news Troms and Finnmark

Renate and Anders’ unborn child died in the womb at 41+4 weeks of pregnancy last summer. Now the state administrator has concluded after investigating the incident at the University Hospital of Northern Norway (UNN) in Tromsø. The state administrator believes UNN did not provide proper health care when the child died during childbirth. – We can do nothing but hope that others do not have to experience the same as us, says Renate to news. The week when the tragedy occurred was the busiest at the University Hospital of Northern Norway last summer. The death was routinely reported to the Norwegian Health Authority and the police. It was decided that the State Administrator in Troms and Finnmark should investigate the case. UNN has previously investigated the incident internally. They were unable to determine what the cause was, and did not rule out the possibility that they may have done something wrong. – Afraid of what might happen to summer children and women giving birth. The parents are reacting to the fact that UNN, in its own investigation, came to a different conclusion than what the state administrator now has. – There will be many summers at UNN, and we fear what may happen to future summer children and women giving birth, says Renate. This year, the hospital promised better conditions for the summer children. The parents tell news that they are reacting to the fact that they have not received a personal apology. But UNN has apologized in the media. Acting director at UNN, Einar Bugge, referred to the apology the hospital management made last year, during Thursday’s press conference. – I know that there has been deep and heartfelt regret from our director last summer, and from others involved. And just to be safe, I want to repeat that regret as well. – This is a terribly sad and sad incident, and we really want to apologize as deeply and strongly and sincerely as we can that this has affected this family. It is a terrible event for the family. UNN: – Taking it into account and seriously Anne Grethe Olsen, county doctor at the state administrator, tells news that it was too long from the time Renate was admitted with pregnancy complications until she was delivered. – The patient should not have been sent home, as there was a need for monitoring in hospital until the birth. Anne Grethe Olsen, county doctor at the state administrator Photo: Marius Fiskum / The state administrator in Troms and Finnmark Bugge at UNN says that the conclusion from the state administrator is a serious matter, which they take very seriously. – We are terribly sorry for the tragic outcome of the case. And we will once again apologize as strongly and sincerely as we can to the family who lost their child. Bugge also says that the case has been a great stress for the employees at the maternity ward and others involved in UNN. Acting director at UNN, Einar Bugge, during Thursday’s press conference. Photo: Tove Jensen / news – Even very good systems can always be improved, and we must always work to improve these systems. Norway is one of the world’s safest countries to give birth in, and it should remain so. And that also applies to UNN. – How do you accept the conclusion of the state administrator? – We take note of that, and seriously. We were not completely unprepared for the conclusion to be this way. We received the expert’s opinion for review a few weeks ago. – We have read the assessment. The state administrator’s conclusion is in line with the expert’s assessment. We continue our improvement work to prevent such sad things from happening again. Some of the measures UNN has implemented: Six new midwives have completed their training and are in work. In addition, all midwife positions are filled. The basic staffing is well planned. Variation in absence and activity is assessed from shift to shift with regard to staffing needs. A plan has been made for acutely high activity for the summer of 2024. A new on-call room where all birthing rooms and laborers can be monitored at the same time, and an additional birthing room is being completed. The equipment park has been upgraded so that the working day for personnel is easier. It also provides better logistics. Clear plans have been made for the use of areas and equipment in case of unusually high activity, and the staff have trained on scenarios with many births at the same time. More robust duty schedules and a three-part holiday process, which means that more permanent personnel and managers are present throughout the summer. Published 18.07.2024, at 15.58
