Does the United States have only two elderly and apparently ailing men as presidential candidates? – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

A corona-sick Joe Biden is experiencing increasing pressure from ranks within his own party to resign. At the same time, Donald Trump continues his election campaign in full force after the assassination attempt on the night of Sunday. The Republican National Convention has officially nominated him as its presidential candidate, and Trump has chosen JD Vance (39) as his vice presidential candidate. There are many uncertainties after the recent dramatic events. What happens now? Here are five questions from the public that our correspondents have answered about the US election. CORRESPONDENTS: Anders Tvegård and Tove Bjørgaas are news’s ​​correspondents in the USA. This week they cover the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Photo: Andreas Vingaard / news What has been done to protect against the election tax at the last vote? – There has been a lot of focus on what happened after the election in 2020. In the states where it will be even, such as Arizona, Pennsylvania and Georgia, there is a great focus on securing solutions, training and support for election officials. Several such people were threatened with their lives after the last election, answers US correspondent Tove Bjørgaas. For the man in the street, it is difficult to know who to trust in this situation. Many were already exhausted by the election campaign a few weeks ago, but with the debate surrounding Biden and the assassination attempt against Trump, it has become even worse. – The voters have long said that they don’t really want either of the two candidates. I think ordinary people also struggle a lot to know where they can get neutral information, she replies. RECALL: The count in Georgia after the last presidential election took a full ten days. Much has been done to avoid similar situations this time. Photo: Megan Varner / AFP/NTB How is it possible that a country like the USA only has two elderly and apparently infirm men as presidential candidates? – There are many candidates in the US, and it is a special situation now that is not good for democracy because a majority of the voters answer that they do not want the two older men as presidential candidates, answers Bjørgaas. The nomination system, the party system with only two parties and all the money in politics are important reasons why the USA has ended up where the country has ended up, she believes. What kind of consequences will there be for the conflicts in Ukraine and in Israel/Palestine if Trump wins the election? – Europe is preparing for a Trump administration and has already given Nato the coordination responsibility for weapons to Ukraine. It might not help much if the US, which provides the most weapons, were to stop supplying, but it is at least an attempt to shift the responsibility and the initiative, answers US correspondent Anders Tvegård. JD Vance wanted to stop the aid package to Ukraine, but large parts of the Republican Party do not share that view. In foreign policy, it is the president who decides. Trump can listen to both sides and maybe do something different than what he has said publicly. NOT A GOOD RELATIONSHIP: Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu are not best friends, but the US has stood solidly on Israel’s side, and news’s ​​correspondents expect that will continue if Trump wins the election. Photo: Tom Brenner / Reuters When it comes to Israel, the US has stood solidly on Israel’s side. Trump and Netanyahu do not have a very good relationship (Netanyahu congratulated Biden on the election in 2020). – Trump’s approach in the Middle East is probably for Israel to normalize relations with neighboring countries (the Abraham Agreement), but what that means for the Palestinians is more unclear, answers Tvegaard. Do you think Biden will step aside? – Biden himself says he will not give up and it is probably he who makes this decision. Donors threaten to withhold or re-prioritize to other candidates, but the rebellion in the party has only led to around 10 per cent of the congress representatives asking him to leave, answers Anders Tvegaard. In other words, there is nothing outwardly to indicate that Biden will step aside. – The party will probably nominate Biden next Friday, so if someone wants to push him out, it must happen right over the weekend. STANDING ON: Joe Biden has not given any indication of how he will step aside. If any Democrats want to push him out, they’re going to have a hard time. Photo: Tom Brenner / Reuters Could we now be witnessing a USA moving in a direction away from a democracy – and towards a dictatorship, with Trump as sitting president – There are many who are afraid that the USA may go in a less democratic direction with Trump. But it is also difficult to change the American electoral system, answers Tove Bjørgaas. She hardly believes that Trump will be in office for more than four years if he is elected, and says there has been a lot of intimidation propaganda from the left in this election campaign. FEAR PROPAGANDA: There has been a lot of scare propaganda from the left in this election campaign, believes Tove Bjørgaas. Photo: Bjarte Johannesen / news At the same time, she believes that American democracy is under pressure on several fronts. – In a study from Princeton University from 2014, two professors concluded that the USA is an oligarchy and not a democracy. That is to say, the USA is ruled by the elite and those with money, while ordinary Americans have less and less influence. Below you can see several of the questions that were put to our US correspondents. Hello! Welcome to dialogue at news. Since you are logged in to other news services, you do not have to log in again here, but we need your consent to our terms of use for online dialogue Published 17.07.2024, at 11.36 Updated 18.07.2024, at 11.53
