Sandra Borch calls for more weather cases about Northern Norway and Trøndelag – news Troms and Finnmark

– Every time it’s nice in Oslo, they publish big notices about heat waves. When it finally gets nice in the north, and it has been for a week, we hear nothing from the capital. That’s what Sandra Borch, parliamentary representative for the Center Party, from Lavangen municipality in Troms says. Now the weather is nice in Northern Norway. Summer will soon come to southern Norway. – I think we are not exactly spoiled with good summer weather, so this was well deserved, I would say. But the SP politician does not always feel that the “capital city media” make as many stories about the fine weather in the “north” as when it is fine in the “south”. Or that they remember that the country is far away and that the weather can be quite different. On Wednesday, her column became “Whiny søringer!” published in VG. Borch wrote the chronicle after reading a VG story about the weather. Sandra Borch gives a thumbs up to the fine weather in northern Norway. Photo: Private Something she noticed was: “rain in most of the country”. “Then it is worth reminding VG that Trøndelag and Northern Norway are half the country, and as I said, the sun has been shining on the race with happy Trønders and Northerners in recent weeks. Reporting bad weather in “most of the country” is about as precise as when train stoppages are announced across the country.” She wrote that in the chronicle, which she says was written with a twinkle in her eye. – At the same time, there is a small finger pointing at the capital’s media, which should get more to the north. The sun shines over Bergseng and the archipelago in Harstad. Photo: Henrik Einangshaug / news Responds to the same as Borch Margit Lein, whom news met in Tromsø, agrees with Borch. – They say that the weather is bad in Norway, or that we are having a bad summer this year, we have also had brilliant weather. – It’s as if they reckon we don’t belong in Norway, when we suddenly have nice weather. I react to that. She says she is happy about the nice weather. – I think it’s great for the children who can swim and enjoy the good weather. See what people on the streets in Tromsø think about the weather so far – all over the country: We asked people on the streets in Tromsø what they think about the weather. VG: Envious of the weather up north VG’s department director, Synnøve Åsebø, says that it is true that they have used the wording that irritated Borch. – Yes, we have used that formulation. Admittedly not in a weather case, but a case of why so many of the meteorologists refuse to admit that bad weather actually exists! It’s something we’ve had a lot of here in the south this summer, she says. Åsebø emphasizes that the editors in VG must follow the summer weather closely. – Like the vast majority of Norwegians, we do that. When the sun shines in the north, it appears again in VG’s columns. So does the disappointing summer weather in the south. Synnøve Åsebø, head of department in VG. Photo: Privat / VG The department director, however, rejects that there are too few weather stories from the north in the newspaper. Among other things, they have sent a team to Lofoten this week. – Here in Oslo, we have been thinking away the last few weeks, and looked with envy at the pictures from the north. So at the start of the week – that is, before Sandra Borch’s chronicle – we decided to get on the plane north and report on the great summer weather in Lofoten. Photo: Iuliana Alexa Seeing more people spontaneously traveling north The SP politician also believes that weather issues with a focus on the “north” can have more positive ripple effects. – Showing pictures from northern Norway now, both in Norway and not least outside the country, I think contributes to even more people wanting to travel to the north. – Those who have planned their holiday in the north this year, I think have been the luckiest in finding where they have spent their holiday, says Borch. Managing director of Nordnorsk reiseliv, Trond Øverås, agrees with the SP politician. – Those of us who live here in the north may think that the media’s approach to weather can be very Eastern oriented. CEO of Nordnorsk reiseliv, Trond Øverås. Photo: Øystein Antonsen / news That’s what he says while enjoying the sun and 26 degrees at Setermoen in Indre Troms. Øverås says that they do not have numerical data that shows how weather matters affect tourism in the north. But they see that more people from the south take spontaneous trips north, when the summer weather is like this year. – There are probably quite a few “southerners”, to use that term, who are weather refugees. There have also been media reports that the demand for Southern destinations has been great. But we also see an effect of easterners looking north with the weather we are having now. – We also have people from the east who come on planned holiday trips, but we now see that more are quickly turning around and traveling north, says Øverås. Several had set up tents and enjoyed the morning in the good weather at Ersfjordbotn in Senja. Photo: Torkil Stoltz / news More records – both in the south and the north June has been a special month with many weather records, according to meteorologist on duty Per Egil Haga. He says that it has rained significantly more than normal across the country. In Flekkefjord in Agder, the wettest June month since 1895 was measured. June has also been warm, especially in northern Norway. In Tromsø it has been one of the hottest June months, beaten only by June in 1953. The weather has also been very different in southern and northern Norway in July. – In the north there have been high temperatures, while in the south it has been variable. It has been quite wet in the south and east, he says. On-duty meteorologist Per Egil Haga. Photo: Bjørn-Martin Bache Nordby / Bjørn-Martin Bache Nordby Haga points out, however, that there is a change in weather in the next few days. Thursday, Friday and Saturday will be sunny in southern Norway, where temperatures will vary between 25 and 30 degrees. In the north, however, there may be some gray and rainy days. – However, the high pressure in the south will not be so strong. On the eve of the weekend, it will weaken again. Then the weather will return to the way it is now, he says. He thus emphasizes that there will be great chances of fine summer weather in northern Norway next week. – Then there will be solid good weather in all three northern Norwegian counties. There is therefore every reason to follow Sandra Borch’s call, he says. Published 18.07.2024, at 12.28 Updated 18.07.2024, at 12.45 p.m
