Amalie Warren showered Bruce Springsteen in Bergen in 2012 – now she is queuing to get closer again – news Vestland

– Not many people recognize me from the video, as I have changed a bit since then, says Amalie Warren and laughs. But when Springsteen is mentioned, she tells about the experience. In 2012, she attended her first concert with her big idol. Bruce Springsteen lay exhausted on the stage floor at Koengen in Bergen after giving his all. From the stage, the guitarist Little Steven had caught sight of an enthusiastic and sweet seven-year-old. The then seven-year-old Amalie was picked up on stage at the end of “Dancing In The Dark”. The guitarist picked Amalie up on stage, gave her a wet sponge and asked her to give Springsteen a shower. Amalie took the assignment head on. She drenched the hero in water while laughing. Not like other fans “I’ll never forget that concert”, the then seven-year-old Amalie Warren told news after the concert. – We got a bit back for standing in line for several days, says dad Frode Heggertveit, who also thought it was great when his daughter was taken on stage. Amalie Warren with her father Frode Heggertveit. Both big fans of Springsteen. Photo: Matilde Sunde Solsvik / news On Sunday, the set is again set for the Springsteen concert in Bergen. Amalie and her family are already queuing to secure the best possible seats at the concert. And they are not the only ones. Springsteen fans are not like other fans. Unique queuing culture – I have never heard of other fans of other artists who act like us, says Malin Romarheim. She was the first to line up outside Nøsteboden in Bergen on Sunday, a week before the concert, and was first in the queue. Malin Romarheim is number one in the queue and leads the group as they gather to be the first to enter the Springsteen concert. Photo: Matilde Sunde Solsvik / news Malin describes the queuing culture as very social and says that she has acquired new habits in the Springsteen milieu. – We are like a small family here, she says. This is how the informal queuing system works at the Springsteen concerts: First you have to buy a Front Floor ticket for the concert. This costs more than an ordinary ticket. Then you have to line up outside the concert venue. The first person to join the queue will be number one, and will be the first to enter the concert venue when it opens. This person also assumes responsibility for further organizing the queue. As more people join the queue, they too are given a number. The number will be written on their hand. Every day there is a roll call at 10.00, 15.00 and 19.00. If you are not present at one of the calls, you lose your place in the queue. Tickets torn away All over Europe, the informal queuing system works in the same way. The most ardent Springsteen fans gather for several days before the concert – all to get as close to the stage as possible. Many people like to travel to several concerts during the year. One of these is Monique Jansen. She has traveled all the way from the Netherlands to attend a concert in Bergen. On the arm, everyone gets a different queue number that determines who gets to slip in first, and thus who gets the very best places. Photo: Matilde Sunde Solsvik / news – If everything goes according to plan, I will reach concert no. 100 this year, she says when news meets her in the queue. Sunday’s concert in Bergen is Springsteen’s only concert in Norway this year. When the ticket office opened on 6 November last year, the 45,000 tickets were snapped up immediately. Several thousand queued in the ticket system, but did not get hold of the coveted tickets. It is the most enthusiastic fans who now gather every day for several days before the concert, to get in first when the doors open. Photo: Matilde Sunde Solsvik / news Frame in plectrum Back in the queue, Amalie tells more about the concert at Koengen twelve years ago. It was not just her who had a special experience. Her brother also received a pick from Springsteen. – It hangs framed at home, says Amalie. – I have it next to the picture of when she was on stage, adds father Frode. These gather before the concert to get the best seats. Photo: Matilde Sunde Solsvik / Matilde Solsvik The father has listened to Bruce Springsteen almost all his life. When he is asked if he is a fan of blood, he hesitates a little. – Yes! Amalie broke in confidently. It has undoubtedly rubbed off on the daughter, who is now getting ready for her fifth concert. She hopes she gets to see even more. – There is a fantastic atmosphere at the concerts, concludes Amalie. Blood fans queuing for concert seats. Photo: Matilde Solsvik Published 18.07.2024, at 10.15 Updated 18.07.2024, at 10.16
