Espen Barth Eide was refused a meeting with Israel’s foreign minister – Latest news – news

17 July 2024 at 14:44 Espen Barth Eide was denied a meeting with Israel’s foreign minister On Wednesday, the newspapers Jerusalem Post and Times of Israel write that Norwegian foreign minister Espen Barth Eide has been denied a meeting with Israeli foreign minister Israel Katz. The background is, among other things, that Norway has recognized Palestine as a state, according to the newspapers. They also write that Eide has been refused entry to the country, but the Ministry of Foreign Affairs rejects this. – We have not had contact with the Israeli authorities about visiting the West Bank or the Palestinian authorities, says the Foreign Ministry’s press officer to news. – However, we have requested a meeting with the Israeli foreign minister. Both the request and the refusal came recently, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. – We seek dialogue and commitment and ongoing contact with Israel on several levels. Then we take note that he has not wanted such a meeting now. Questions about why must be directed to the Israeli authorities.
