The future in our hands will have tariffs on imports after poison found in cheap goods from Temu – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

This is the full statement from Temu’s spokesperson, conveyed through a Nordic PR agency: What is Temu’s comment about the discovery of cadmium in the earrings? – We acted quickly to remove the product and are currently investigating how this could happen. We always work closely with our suppliers to ensure that all products meet safety standards. What is Temu’s comment about the discovery of lead in the circuit board of a toy? – We removed the product on 29 June, before news contacted us, because it failed our quality controls, which underlines the effectiveness of our quality controls. Is it safe to shop from Temu? – Shopping at Temu is safe. We prioritize consumer safety through strict quality control, continuous monitoring and quick action. Our platform is guided by core values ​​that always put consumers first. We have robust mechanisms in place and work continuously with stakeholders, regulatory bodies and consumer groups to ensure product safety and regulatory compliance. The process starts with the onboarding of sellers, where they must deliver the necessary documentation. In addition, they sign agreements confirming their commitment to product safety and compliance with the regulations relevant to the markets in which they will sell. Temu supports this process by providing guidance and resources on compliance requirements for different markets. Once the seller is up and running, they must provide comprehensive product information, including descriptions, model/batch numbers, company names, prices, images and relevant documents if applicable. Physical inspection and supervision form another important component of Temu’s quality control. Random tests are carried out to verify that the physical products conform to the descriptions and relevant standards. This includes checking packaging, labels and safety marks. If any products are suspected of non-compliance, Temu will take immediate action, which may include pausing the sale of the product, requesting additional documentation or removing the product altogether. Temu also closely monitors customer feedback to identify potential issues with the products. When problems arise, we take immediate action to investigate and, if necessary, remove products. In addition, Temu actively engages with consumer groups, the media and regulatory authorities to address inquiries and facilitate the removal or recall of products when necessary. Responsibilities and penalties are clearly defined within Temu’s quality control framework. We constantly guide sellers on the need for strict compliance with product safety, to ensure that they are fully aware of their responsibilities. Violations may result in warnings, penalties, product removal, account termination or even referral to regulatory authorities for serious or repeated violations. Temu has a block list to prevent problematic sellers from re-entering the platform. Is it expected that the products sold at Temu may contain higher values ​​of heavy metals than is legal in the EU/EEA? – Temu complies with all laws and regulations in the markets where we operate. As an operator of a marketplace, we also expect our dealers to strictly comply with all relevant laws and regulations. We have a comprehensive system in place to ensure seller compliance with product safety standards. What do you think of chemist Alexander Sandtorv’s reactions to the discovery of cadmium and lead? It is important to note that he did not find any ingredients of concern in the makeup products. If Sandtorv or an expert has verifiable concerns, we are committed to investigating immediately and openly. We require and expect our sellers to comply with all applicable laws and regulations as a condition of selling on our platform. Can there be PVC in plastic products from Temu? – We note that the Norwegian Environment Agency’s tests showed no evidence of PVC. Otherwise, we refer to what we wrote earlier about our quality controls. What do you think of the Norwegian Environment Agency’s statement that consumers must be aware of the risks they take by shopping outside Europe? – We agree that consumers should always exercise caution whenever and wherever they shop, whether online or offline. Temu has worked hard to ensure that our products meet local standards and expectations. Since we came to Norway just over a year ago, we have actively listened to feedback from customers, supervisory bodies and consumer groups, and made the necessary adjustments to adapt to local practices and preferences. We are fully committed to complying with laws and regulations in the markets where we operate. Our aim is not only to meet the minimum legal requirements, but to exceed them by following it in best practice. We achieve this by working closely with our sellers, regulators, consumer groups and other stakeholders to ensure the safety and quality of the products sold on our platform.
