Sell ​​houses without estate agents – the estate agents themselves are skeptical – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

– It is a job that is not as prohibitive as one might get the impression of. That’s what Thorstein Wang (30) says, as he shows off the flat he has recently sold. Not only did the apartment go 225,000 kroner over the asking price, Wang also saved between 50,000 and 60,000 kroner by not using estate agents. – Most residential deals go through a broker. I thought that maybe it doesn’t have to be like that. Wang sold the apartment in April. The new owner will take over in September. Photo: Henning Levold / news I think more people should do the same Most people who sell flats use estate agents. Of the more than 30,000 houses currently for sale on, less than 2 percent are sold without a broker. As a rule, it is the broker who obtains the necessary documentation, arranges a residential stylist and photographer, and creates an advertisement for sale. When Wang sold, he arranged most of the things himself. – It was a bit of work, but I don’t think it was very demanding. He says that he had to spend some time familiarizing himself with the regulations for what documentation is required for a hall of residence. – I’ve learned a lot that I think I should actually know when I’m going to buy or sell a property. Wang also held screenings himself. For the shop round and settlement when the saddle was in a box, he used Netnetesta Propr. Decorative plants were one of several tips Wang used to make the flat as attractive as possible to potential buyers. Photo: Henning Levold / news – Even if it was a bit of work, I think it was a decent hourly payment. Although he realizes that it is not for everyone, he thinks that more people should arrange a room without intermediaries. – I think there is a lot of room for more people to do the work themselves and save money, says Wang. Selling a home yourself? This is what you, the seller, must do if you sell the home yourself: Obtain a printout of the land register – The printout can be purchased from the National Mapping Authority. For information that is not registered, you must talk to neighbors and previous owners. In addition, you must obtain information about any right of first refusal. Obtain information from the municipality – You must obtain information about zoning plans, use permits, completion certificates, any orders from authorities, measurement certificates, assessed value and municipal taxes. Have a technical condition report prepared – The condition report must be prepared by an appraiser. Obtain price information – Find out what similar homes have been sold for. Look at advertisements, go to viewings, check with housing associations and the like. Make a sales assignment – The sales assignment should contain information about the home’s strengths and weaknesses and give a truthful description of the home with pictures and words. Take a picture – Either yourself or by hiring a residential photographer. Create an advertisement – You must advertise the residence in places such as newspapers, social media or websites such as Holding viewings – At the viewings, you must be available for questions and inform interested parties about both the strengths and weaknesses of the home. Organize a round of stalls – Stalls must be received in writing via SMS, e-mail or a digital solution. You must keep a shed record and document the shed thoroughly. As far as possible, you must inform all parties involved about the store that comes in. If you accept a bid, this is binding. Writing a contract – When you have accepted an offer, the agreement must be formalized with a written contract. Fill in the slip – Transfer of ownership takes place by the buyer and seller filling in a form for registration of change of ownership and sending it to the Mapping Authority. Arrange the statement – This means arranging payment and land registration. The Consumer Council recommends using a mediator, lawyer or the bank for this. Sources: and Broker associations are skeptical – With brokers, you can complete the transaction in a legal and financially safe way, says Carl O. Greving, managing director of the Norwegian Property Brokers’ Association. He is skeptical about buying and selling housing without using a broker. – There is a risk that you will not get the settlement after the sale or that legal disputes will arise after the sale. In addition, Greving points out that sellers of residential properties have an extensive duty to provide information. If you obtain this documentation yourself, you should know what you are doing, says Greving. – If you, as a seller, collect some documents that you may not understand and cannot ensure quality, then you are taking a risk. If something goes wrong with the saddle, it can be expensive for the seller, says Greving. – If you breach the obligation to provide information, you as the seller can end up with a large financial responsibility after the sale. The fact that the floor in the flat is a bit uneven was one of the many things Wang had to inform about. Photo: Henning Levold / news – Can be money to save Nora Wennberg Gløersen is a consumer lawyer at the Consumer Council. She thinks there may be money to be saved, but is aware that people must understand the risks they are taking. – I think there are a number of tasks that many people can manage to do themselves. She points out that making the home look nice, taking pictures and holding a viewing are tasks that many people can save money on doing without a broker. – Some of those who came to the viewing said that it was confidence-inspiring to speak directly to sellers rather than a broker, says Wang. Photo: Henning Levold / news – At the same time, there are a number of tasks that are so complicated that I think very few consumers have the necessary knowledge to do them. She also points out that you take a risk if you do something wrong. – If you do not provide the information you are required to, you may easily have to pay a price reduction or compensation. Gløersen urges those who are considering dropping brokers to think carefully. – You should think carefully about whether you are comfortable with the work and responsibility you are taking on. Published 16.07.2024, at 05.25
