The Cancer Society warns against homemade sunscreen – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary • Influencers on TikTok share recipes for homemade sunscreen, which has been seen by millions.• The Cancer Society warns against trying this yourself, as it is impossible to know what sun factor you get with homemade sunscreen without laboratory testing.• Some people make homemade sunscreen to avoid potentially harmful chemicals in sun creams from shops.• Chemist Alexander Sandtorv is skeptical about the effectiveness of home-made sun cream, as it is difficult to ensure even distribution of the sun filter in the product.• The Cancer Association emphasizes that sun creams in Norway have been tested and documented to be safe, and urges people to be critical of unsubstantiated sun protection advice. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – We have been out by the pool a lot lately. I realized we were out of sunscreen so I asked my husband if he could make some. That’s what influencer Nara Smith says while she and her husband set about making their own sunscreen on the kitchen counter. She is one of several who have shared recipes for this recently. The TikTok video has been viewed over 19 million times, and there are many thousands of comments in the comments section. There is one question in particular that many people ask themselves. Can you actually make your own sunscreen? Must be checked in a lab According to the recipes, homemade sunscreen must have both a sun factor and provide protection against UV rays through a physical sun filter. But the exact sun factor must be checked in a laboratory, and therefore it is impossible to know which factor you get when you make your own sunscreen, according to the Cancer Association. – It is very difficult to know whether recipes and methods shared on social media provide protection at all. And in any case, it is not possible to be sure that you get good sun protection from that type of recipe, says Ingrid Stenstadvold Ross from the Norwegian Cancer Society. Ingrid Stenstadvold Ross is general secretary of the Norwegian Cancer Society. She asks people to follow their official sun advice. Photo: Jorunn Valle Nilsen Chemical or physical sun filter? Sun filters in sunscreen are intended to prevent sunburn. Chemical or physical sun filters can be used, or a combination of both. It is the substance used that determines whether the filter is chemical or physical. Chemical sunscreen protects the skin by absorbing UV rays. These sunscreens absorb into the skin and are thinner in consistency. Certain substances used as chemical sunscreens have been criticized for being dangerous to both the environment and the body. One of these substances is oxybenzone. Physical solar filter, or particle filter, reflects the UV rays. These sunscreens are thicker, and lay like a layer on the skin. In physical solar filters, titanium oxide or zinc oxide is often used as the active ingredient. These are used in homemade sunscreen. Helsenorge recommends either using an unscented sunscreen with a physical filter, or one with a combination, on children. These can be used by everyone, and can be bought at the pharmacy. Facts: Healthcare and Pharmacy1 Stock “non-toxic sunscreen” Christine Torgersen avoids sunscreen from the store. Instead, she makes her own. She practices naturopathy, or alternative medicine, and shares recipes and tips on her TikTok account. Here she has shared the recipe for what she calls “non-toxic sun cream”. Christine Torgersen has been making her own sunscreen for two years. She says she got a rash from sunscreen from the store, but that this has disappeared now that she has switched to a physical filter. Photo: Christine Torgersen – For me, the fear of all these toxins and synthetic substances in sunscreens is worse than applying a little extra sun protection in zinc oxide, she says. She is critical of, among other things, the substance oxybenzone, which is used as a chemical sunscreen. This is harmful to the coral reefs, and is also suspected of being hormone-disrupting. Chemist Alexander Sandtorv confirms that there are suspicions that some chemical filters are hormone-disrupting, even though they are considered safe in Norway. – My opinion has been that they should be phased out, as a precautionary measure, because they cause so much concern among consumers. Alexander Sandtorv says that homemade sunscreen can be counterproductive if you use one that you think has a higher sun factor than it actually has. Photo: Emil W. Breistein Doubts about home recipe In the recipe, Torgersen mixes together, among other things, coconut oil, shea butter and beeswax before she stirs in zinc oxide. – From a chemical point of view, it is perfectly possible for this to become a sunscreen. There are various fat sources and solar filters. But I strongly doubt whether it will be a good sunscreen, says Alexander Sandtorv about the recipe. He points out that you can never be sure which sun factor you end up with in a homemade sunscreen. He says that the solar filter must be distributed carefully in the product, so that you get an even layer when you use it. – In home recipes, I strongly doubt that the filter is distributed well enough. Then you risk getting a different amount of filter on the skin each time you use the product, he says. Christine Torgersen tried sunscreen with a physical filter. She says that they work great, but that she will make her own until a cheaper alternative is available in stores. Photo: Christine Torgersen Torgersen points out that she takes reservations when she publishes. She reads up on all the ingredients she uses, and says that her recipes are intended as tips on how to do things if you are looking for alternative solutions. She knows that she cannot know the exact sun factor, and is conscious of not promising specific protection. She herself lubricates herself every half hour when the UV is high, and says that she has never experienced sunburn. Creates the wrong impression – We think that all attitudes out there that contribute to poorer protection against UV radiation are unfortunate, says Ross from the Cancer Association. Norwegians are at the top of the world when it comes to skin cancer, and nine out of ten cases of skin cancer in Norway are caused by too much sun. Ross believes that people can be afraid of sunscreen because they hear from influencers, among other things, that the chemicals in sunscreen are dangerous. She believes that it would be wrong to call a homemade sunscreen “non-toxic”. Then you may get the impression that sunscreen in the shops is bad for you. They are not, according to her. – It is safe to buy sunscreen with a high factor from well-known brands in Norway, says Ross. The Cancer Society asks people to remember that sunscreens in Norway have been tested and documented as safe. – It can be harmful for you to listen to undocumented advice when it comes to sun protection. So think about who you listen to, and be critical of both what they say, and not least what you share. Five sun tips The Directorate for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (DSA) and the Norwegian Cancer Society have together with subject experts drawn up five sun tips: Limit the time in strong sun Seek shade Use clothing, something on your head and sunglasses. Use plenty of sunscreen, factor 30 or higher. Do not use solarium Published 09.07.2024, at 13.37
