Giant snails as pets are trendy and tough, says reptile researcher – news Troms and Finnmark

– All animals deserve to have a good life, no matter how long they live. That’s what Bente Synnøve Olsen says, who has many livestock at home in Kvalsund – cows, ducks, turkeys and dogs. She also has some that stand out in the crowd of normal pets to cuddle with: Seven African giant snails. They weigh approx. 800 grams and can be 10 years old. The favorites are Goliat and Herrefred. The latter is named after the reactions of people who come to visit and see all her giant snails. Photo: Ine Eftestøl / news – People claim that I have the most spoiled snails in Norway. They get grated food every day, says the food mother. She saw pictures of the snails on the internet and fell head over heels for them. She thought they were fantastic to look at, and funny molluscs. – I am so fascinated by them, and they actually have quite good speed when they first set off, she adds. She regularly bathes the snails in lukewarm water, and thinks it’s cute when they look at her with their weird, protruding eyes. Bente Synnøve is happy to spend time with all her pets in Kvalsund, including the snails. Photo: Ine Eftestøl / news Trendy with strange farm animals – I think this is a trend that will continue. It’s fun for a lot of people. Researcher at NTNU, Dag Dolmen, has spent large parts of his life studying amphibians, reptiles and molluscs. He has also studied snails, and says that they can reproduce quite quickly. Researcher at NTNU, Dag Dolmen, believes that the interest in strange pets and domestic animals is here to stay. Photo: Geir Mogen – They are hermaphrodites. This means that male and female are in the same individual. When two snails meet, they fertilize each other and both lay eggs, explains Dolmen. He believes that the interest in strange farm animals comes from the fact that only a small number of reptile species are allowed in Norway, and amphibians are prohibited. Read more: Animals that do strange things – They are, after all, decorative and curious creatures. Tarantulas and snakes are tough and do something to our image, he believes. He himself has a canary and two budgies. No one knows for sure how many reptiles have been introduced to Norway as of today, but the Norwegian Herpetological Association estimates that there are between 80,000 and 120,000 individuals in the country. A good alternative The Association for the Relocation of Animals (FOD) also has a strange animal in the air farm. Kåre the crow has voluntarily moved in, and has lived with them for five years. He thrives. Kåre enjoys himself with the dog Fiona in the air yard at the Association for the relocation of animals. Photo: Private / FOD Ida Nedberg Østgård in FOD is positive towards animals and beings that are a little different. – Weird animals that thrive in a household are a good alternative to a dog or cat that needs a lot of care, she says. She has two dogs, and says that domestic animals and pets have many advantages. – Pets do something for our mental health, says Ida Nedberg Østgård in FOD. Photo: Privat / FOD – Many feel safer and less lonely. When you pet your dog, the body releases a security hormone, and the pulse drops, says Østgård. She clarifies that it is important that you are able to take care of animals, regardless of whether they are big or small, before you get one.
