– Far too many – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: In two days, three motorcyclists have lost their lives on Norwegian roads, which worries Trygg Trafikk. So far this year, 13 people have died in motorcycle accidents in Norway, compared to eight in the same period last year. Trygg Trafikk is particularly concerned about well-grown men who ride motorcycles, as they make up a high proportion of those who die in accidents. A study shows that professional motorbike drivers make better choices in traffic than the everyday motorcyclist. While the number of people who died in traffic accidents with cars in Norway has decreased over time, the number of people who died on motorbikes has stagnated. Trygg Trafikk is considering measures to improve the situation, including mandatory refresher courses. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – So far this year, 13 people have died in motorcycle accidents in Norway. It is tragic and far too many, says press manager Christoffer Solstad Steen in Trygg Trafikk. In comparison, there were eight who died in traffic accidents involving motorcycles in the same period last year. – It’s high, but it’s not like we’ve never seen such numbers before. In 2022, there were 14 who died in the first half of the year, but compared to previous years, there are many deaths, says Steen. In less than two days, three motorcyclists have had to pay with their lives. Two of them died in head-on accidents with cars, while one of them died in a single-vehicle accident. At the same time, there have been several serious motorbike accidents where the drivers have survived but are critically injured. Kari Vassbotn is regional manager of Trygg Trafikk in Nordland. She says the accident on the E10 in Vesterålen is just sad. Kari Vassbotn is regional manager of Trygg Trafikk in Nordland. Photo: Kåre Riibe Ramskjell / news – First of all, it’s terribly broken. I think first and foremost of those affected by this, especially family and friends. This is not something you want to happen at all. Maybe especially not when you are far away from family and all that. These are the first two traffic accidents with a fatal outcome in Nordland this year. Well-grown men The accidents are spread all over the country, from Telemark to Møre and Romsdal and Nordland. – Once the accident has happened, you are not well protected on a motorcycle compared to other vehicles, says Steen. – A motorcycle is a demanding vehicle that requires a good deal of expertise to drive safely and well, he explains. A study carried out by Nord University last year with assistance from Sintef and Trygg Trafikk shows that professional motorbike drivers make better choices towards junctions and in turning situations. The everyday motorcyclist, on the other hand, often makes worse judgments in the same situations. Steen is particularly concerned about well-grown men who ride motorcycles, who make up a high proportion of those who die in accidents. – This is a group we are looking at in particular. They have often had other training that has not had as much focus on risk. They therefore need another refresher to gain new knowledge that can ultimately give them better competence, he says. – Worrying us While the number of people who died in traffic accidents involving cars in Norway has decreased over time, the number of people who died on motorbikes has stagnated. – On a motorcycle, you must constantly anticipate any obstacle that may arise, and adapt so that you can stop or swerve away in time. In many ways, you get away “cheaper” in a car because you are better protected, says Steen. Already in May, when a total of four people had died in motorcycle accidents since the New Year, Trygg Trafikk expressed its concern. Since then, nine more motorcycle riders have lost their lives. – We and many others are concerned that the number of people killed in motorcycle accidents does not seem to be decreasing. Therefore, we are looking at measures to do something about the development. We have a lot of focus on information, but are also considering whether refresher courses should be compulsory, says Steen. – It is simply tragic that so many people lose their lives on motorcycles. (©NTB) Hello, Thank you for reading. Do you have tips or input for this matter or other things we should write about? Feel free to send me an email! Published 29.06.2024, at 14.58 Updated 29.06.2024, at 15.23
