Joe Biden meets Donald Trump at the first debate of the year – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

On the night of Friday at 03 Norwegian time, President Joe Biden (81) and former President Donald Trump (78) will meet for a debate. The last time they met, in 2020, the debate was characterized by personal attacks and harsh accusations. Tonight, when the debate is hosted by CNN in Atlanta, the presenters have the opportunity to turn off the microphones of the two duelists. Rules for the debate The debate lasts 90 minutes, interrupted by two commercial breaks. The candidates are not allowed to talk to their advisers during the break. They are each given a lectern with paper, a pen and a water bottle. They are not allowed to take effects or notes with them Biden has chosen to stand on the right side, which was decided by a coin toss last week They are given two minutes each to answer questions and one minute to counter There will be no opening remarks, but they get two minutes each to summarize Trump gets the last word, which was also decided by last week’s coin toss A red light flashes when they have five seconds left in their speaking time. It lights up red when time is up Economy in “free fall” The debate began with what presenter Jake Tapper says is the “most important” thing for the country’s voters: the economy. Biden began his response by pointing to mistakes made by his predecessor, Donald Trump. – We have to take a look at the situation I found myself in when I took over as president. We had an economy in free fall, replied the sitting president. In his comment, Trump countered by describing the country’s economy under him as “the biggest in history”. “He didn’t do a good job, he did a bad job, and he’s killing our country,” Trump said. According to the newspaper The Hill, Trump is well placed in the opinion polls in the country, with 41.1 percent, against 39.7 percent for Biden. The figures are an average from 194 different polls. There are several things that make this debate unique. For one thing, both Biden and Trump are extraordinarily old. Another thing is that none of them have managed to be formally chosen as the parties’ presidential candidates. Below you can hear why this year’s presidential debate is perhaps the weirdest ever: Published 28.06.2024, at 02.51 Updated 28.06.2024, at 03.08
