The military is accused of attempted coup – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Armored vehicles have thundered through the doors of the government palace in La Paz, TV images from Bolivia show. The military in the country is now accused of coup attempts. Bolivian President Luis Arce calls for democracy to be respected. – The Bolivian people must organize and mobilize against the coup d’état, for the benefit of democracy, says Arce. Photo: AIZAR RALDES / AFP Want to replace the government Army chief Juan Jose Zuniga in the country says they want to replace the government. – The three commanders of the army have come to express our dismay. There will certainly be a new cabinet, things will change, but our country cannot continue like this any longer, says Zuniga to a local TV station, according to AFP. Zuniga says, according to Reuters, that he wants to release political prisoners in Bolivia. President Arce demands that Zuniga demobilize the armed forces. Photo: AIZAR RALDES / AFP On Bolivian TV you can see Arce confronting Zuniga in the hallway of the government palace. – I am your captain, and I order you to withdraw your soldiers. I will not allow this disobedience, Arce told Zuniga. Just before 23:30 Norwegian time, Reuters reports that President Arce has installed new military leaders in the country. Several countries condemn Mexico’s and Brazil strongly condemn the coup attempt, writes Reuters. So do the EU’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell and the president of Honduras. Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez asks for respect for democracy in Bolivia. – Spain strongly condemns the actions of the military in Bolivia. We express our support and solidarity with the Bolivian government and its people, says Sanchez. Soldiers have taken over Plaza Murillo in the center of the capital, La Paz. It is in this square that the government palace is located. Photo: Juan Karita / AP General Zuniga told reporters at the scene before they drove into the palace: – Stop destroying, stop impoverishing our country, stop humiliating our army, he said, dressed in full uniform and flanked by soldiers, according to Reuters. Bolivia’s former president Evo Morales, who has been at odds with incumbent Arce, condemned the actions and accused Zuniga of plotting a coup d’état. – We will not allow the army to challenge democracy and frighten people, says Morales. Published 26.06.2024, at 22.37 Updated 26.06.2024, at 23.21
