The National Audit Office strongly criticizes the Armed Forces’ material procurement – Latest news – news

20 June 2024 at 12:31 The National Audit Office gives strong criticism to the Armed Forces’ material acquisitions The National Audit Office’s latest investigation shows that there are major weaknesses in the way investments in new defense equipment are carried out. – In today’s security policy situation, it is serious, they conclude in a recent report. The National Audit Office points out, among other things, that investments take too long, that projects must be scaled down to stay within the framework, and that the defense does not calculate well enough what operations will cost. Altogether, this means that the Norwegian Armed Forces do not get the operational effect that is expected, says the National Audit Office. The Ministry of Defense is said to have known about the problems for a long time, but failed to solve them. The audit calls this highly objectionable, the strongest level of criticism the National Audit Office can give.
