Offering bounty for turtles – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

20 June 2024 at 11:13 Bounty for turtles The Norwegian Environmental Protection Association is taking new measures to overcome the turtle problem in Lågen, reports the Norwegian Environmental Protection Association in a press release. – The Norwegian Environmental Protection Association is offering a bounty of NOK 1,000 for every turtle that is found in Numedalslågen and delivered , dead or alive, writes the association. Several turtles have been observed along Lågen and in April the Norwegian Environmental Protection Association demanded that they be removed. The turtles are probably of the species Rødøreterrapin and can eat birds, fish and eggs. – Turtles are alien species and can cause great damage in waterways. It has been shown that they are able to survive the Norwegian winter, and can therefore pose a long-term threat to the existing fauna, writes head of the NMF, Ruben Oddekalv, in the press release.
