PCI is decided at the board meeting of Helse Nord – news Nordland

– This has been insoluble. This is how professional director Geir Tollåli in Helse Nord described the problem of getting cardiologists in Bodø and Tromsø to cooperate on heart attack treatment in northern Norway during the board meeting. Helse Nord has therefore wanted UNN to take over responsibility for this offer in Bodø. – It is important to clarify who has authority. And it is important to secure UNN’s status as a university hospital, said chairman Renate Larsen. The proposal has met with strong protests in Nordland, where it is believed that this will not solve the challenges of major cooperation problems between the hospitals. A unanimous board decided that PCI operations during the day in Bodø should continue. And that as a daily offer. But the PCI center in Bodø will be located under Tromsø and employees in Bodø will be transferred to UNN. It will take place through a so-called transfer of business and by 1 January 2025. Director of the department: – The model has not worked The dispute centers around so-called PCI treatment, which is an advanced and gentle method for opening up clogged veins to the heart. In Northern Norway, this was previously only carried out at the University Hospital in Tromsø. But after a heated debate in 2017, it ended with Nordlandssykehuset in Bodø also being allowed to carry out the treatment, but then only during the day (08-16). And as a “satellite” under the PCI center in Tromsø. Here at Nordlandssykehuset in Bodø, there has been PCI activity since 2020, i.e. for four years. They have managed to recruit the professionals they have needed, it was revealed at the board meeting. Photo: Benjamin Fredriksen Subject director Geir Tollåli began by saying that the centre-satellite model that was adopted in 2017 has not worked. And the disagreement between the professional circles that was there when the PCI debate raged at its worst in 2026/2027 has persisted. Tollåli pointed out that the expert group that assessed PCI in Northern Norway was concerned that with PCI in Bodø there would be fewer heart patients at UNN. – This means that there may be fewer opportunities to carry out research or experimental work at UNN, Tollåli explained. In Bodø, the professional community at heart has seen an upswing since PCI was established. – Bodø has recruited well. They have produced their own LIS doctors and have become specialists in this procedure. They also have experienced doctors who run these examinations. – It has become two independent centres. Tollåli said that UNN has been compensated with 30 million to strengthen the university function. Board members: – Lack of common sense and deeply regrettable Board member Jan Oddvar Sørnes was early on in addressing the poor collaborative climate. – The fact that it is being shot in such a cold weather is terrifying. Is there really no one who can get these two professional communities to work together? Here at Nordlandssykehuset in Bodø, there has been PCI activity since 2020, i.e. for four years. Now those who work at the PCI labs in Bodø will be transferred to UNN in Tromsø. Photo: Simon Skjelvik Brandseth / news Board member Anne Husebekk called for better financial calculations and followed up by saying that she is fed up with the debate climate in this matter: – It is a lack of common sense that the two professional communities talk about each other in the newspapers. Both environments have to take their toll. Unusual “handover of operations” Trustees in Helse Nord have called the collaboration “dysfunctional” when they had discussions about the matter with the management of Helse Nord, ahead of today’s board meeting. One of them, Kari Marie Baadstrand Sandnes, believed there were many unanswered questions about the transfer of business. A group of employees at Nordlandssykehuset in Bodø will now have UNN as their employer. – What happens if all employees say no thanks to the transfer of business. If everyone says no, what happens? – Is this a method to be used in other areas of the hospitals where there is disagreement?, she asked. Trade union representative Sissel Alterskjær was also concerned about the employees in Bodø who will have a new employer. – The employees also have a right of reservation against monitoring the business transfer. Have we thought through the type of risk if they choose to use this? The Helse Nord boss: – A lot of bad news in the newspapers. Managing Director of Helse Nord, Marit Lind, answered the two shop stewards: – There is an alternative two from the professional group if you cannot get this option. We have tried to correct accusations from the expert group. I expect them to be concerned with the patients and not thank them. Board member Agnete Masternes Hanssen from Finnmark was concerned that people from Nordlandssykehuset have chosen to disregard procedures that have been given. – What has been seen in the public debate shocks me deeply. The way people distrust each other and disregard procedures and guidelines set by the regional health authority – it cannot happen like that. Board members Tone Hauge from Nordland and Agnete Masternes Hanssen from Finnmark. Photo: Marius Guttormsen / news Bodø wants open 24/7 The dispute is therefore about so-called PCI treatment, which is an advanced and gentle method to open up clogged veins to the heart. In Northern Norway, this was previously only carried out at the University Hospital in Tromsø. But after a heated debate in 2017, it ended with Nordlandssykehuset in Bodø also being allowed to carry out the treatment – but then only during the day (08-16). An evaluation was recently carried out by an expert group – five years after the decision. In Bodø, it is desired that the offer be extended to 24/7. In Tromsø, there is a fear that fewer patients will exceed the quality and will collect PCI treatment at UNN. Securing the position for UNN Chairman Renate Larsen said before they went to the vote that the need for PCI is decreasing. And that the alternative to daytime in Bodø is to shut down and collect everything in Tromsø. This is in line with what the expert group has proposed. – This is not an invasive change for the patients. There has been a terrible debate climate. Here we use business transfer. And when someone has decided something, it is easier to make it happen. She emphasized that through today’s decision they secure the position of UNN and recognize the professional environment that has been built up in Bodø. Bodø mayor: – We are concerned – We think it is good that what we have today, as a minimum, is continued. We are very concerned about the patient’s best interests, and so should Helse Nord. Now there is a big responsibility at UNN to make this work. That’s what Bodø mayor Odd Emil Ingebrigtsen (H) says after the PCI decision was made. Nevertheless, he is concerned that the environment at Nordlandssykehuset is now subject to management by UNN. – We are concerned that this could mean a weathering of the offer in Bodø, and that is not good. – You have read about cooperation problems between the professionals – isn’t it better to have one PCI center in Northern Norway? – The time factor is very important here, so for people in Nordland it is important to get treatment quickly. It is longer to Tromsø than to Bodø for most people in Nordland. Photo: Marius Guttormsen / news – Nordland has wanted a 24-hour service and not just a day service. Do you think you are closer or further away from that desire? – It doesn’t look like you are any closer, but here it is important to think about the best interests of the patients and that it is cheaper to operate from Bodø. A 24-hour service should be what Helse Nord eventually put in place. Ingebrigtsen wonders why the board decided on a business transfer without having a clear idea of ​​what it entails. – It is strange that you only approve a business transfer. We may risk losing professionals and I have registered that the shop stewards have voiced strong objections to this. – Is this the right medicine to reduce the conflicts? – Ultimately, it is the director of Helse Nord who must find out how the group is to be managed. But it does not inspire confidence that several board members state that if this does not work, then the offer in Bodø will be dropped. It is completely unacceptable. Published 19.06.2024, at 14.15 Updated 19.06.2024, at 15.44
