Around 30 tern eggs crushed in Senja – the police are investigating the case – news Troms and Finnmark

The case in summary: • Around 30 tern eggs were found crushed at a playground in Finnsnes, in Senja municipality.• The police are investigating the case as an environmental crime.• It is suspected that the egg crushing may have been an intentional act.• Two dead birds were also found in the park . They have been sent to the Norwegian Food Safety Authority for a check.• Professionals ask that the terns be given rest, and hope that they can lay new eggs. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. Around 30 tern eggs lie crushed on the water’s edge by the play park. The police are investigating it as an environmental crime. – We have opened a case for breach of the Natural Diversity Act. Terna is a red-listed species, so this is serious environmental crime. That’s what prosecutor Marie Lygre at the Finnsnes police office says. Prosecutor Marie Lygre at Finnsnes police office. Photo: Malin Straumsnes / news Finnsnesvatnet is a popular hiking and play area at Finnsnes in Senja municipality. Terns also thrive here. They build nests and lay eggs in the central park. The terns at Finnsnes are often referred to as terrorist terns, after several unpleasant encounters between playing children and adults and plunging birds. Several measures have been taken to make it easier for people and birds to coexist. The police believe that the crushing of tern eggs may be a deliberate act. – The Attorney General has this type of case on his priority list. Any disturbance of bird nests is punishable, says Lyngre. – Absolutely illegal It was on Monday evening that the Troms police district first asked for tips in the case. The police were on the scene to trace. On Tuesday, they continued with the investigation. – We are at the very beginning of the investigation. We are interested in people who have made observations getting in touch. – We will also see if we can get any results from looking at surveillance cameras in the area, says the prosecuting officer at Finnsnes police office. Inger Andreassen, head of the department for agriculture and environmental management in Senja municipality, says they currently have few leads to follow. – We think this is very sad. The birds had come a long way in the process of incubating the eggs. It is an animal tragedy, she says. Inger Andreassen, responsible for agriculture and environmental management in Senja municipality. Photo: Malin Straumsnes / news Fugleegg has strong legal protection. Since terns are a red-listed species, they are extra protected. – As soon as the birds lay eggs, they have protection through legislation. This is clearly illegal. Also found dead birds The municipal house in Senja is located close to Finnsnesvannet. Andreassen says that they became aware of the case after they received a tip that several birds had been found dead in the park. – We went out to pick up the birds. He who was out noticed that the birds were significantly more aggressive than they have been before. There were two birds that were found dead. Then the broken tern eggs were discovered. The municipality has sent the two dead birds to the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. – We do not know anything about the reason why the birds died. We also have a responsibility in relation to bird flu. That is why we have sent them to the Norwegian Food Safety Authority so that they can be checked, says Andreassen. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority confirmed that they have received a dead young gull and a dead tern. During Tuesday, they took samples of the birds. The samples have now been sent for analysis. Can lay new eggs In Senja, professionals ask people to give the terns a break. – Now we want them to have as much peace as possible. We want the birds that have eggs left in the park to be allowed to lay on them, says the head of the department in Senja municipality. Terns and children have struggled to share the playground. The egg crushing can make the birds more aggressive, and extend the nesting period. Photo: Malin Straumsnes / news Hope is not lost that the terns will be able to lay their eggs again. – We have seen that before, that they can start a new round of laying eggs. It is so early in the season that it is possible, – What you achieve then is that the season with aggressive terns is extended. So if those who were behind the egg crushing wanted to get rid of the problem, they have rather helped prolong it, says Andreassen. A new project will get the terns at Finnsnesvatnet to nest on rafts and not at the water’s edge. The hope is that it will make it peaceful and safe to use the play park. Published 18.06.2024, at 18.53
