Convicted of serious money laundering – must pay compensation of 2.5 million – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: A man in his 40s has been sentenced to one year and four months in prison for complicity in serious money laundering. For three years, the man has made bank accounts available for the transfer of money from fraud, a total of NOK 2.87 million. He has also contributed to the laundering of the proceeds of fraud, where the proceeds were turned into dried fish and sent to Nigeria. In addition to the prison sentence, the man has been sentenced to pay compensation of a total of 2.5 million to 14 victims. The man admitted in court that he had acted as an intermediary, but denied having been the main man. The judgment is final. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – It is important that you see that such actions entail punishment and a large financial responsibility, says police attorney Per Ørnulv Thorbjørnsen to news. A man in his 40s has now been sentenced to one year and four months in prison for complicity in serious money laundering. For three years, the man is said to have put several bank accounts at the disposal of another for the transfer of money from love scams. The total sum was NOK 2.87 million. The man is also said to have contributed to the laundering of the proceeds of fraud, where the proceeds were turned into dried fish and sent to Nigeria. The value of this was around 100,000 dollars, or just over 1 million Norwegian kroner. This is revealed in a judgment from the Agder district court. news has previously written about the Lofot company Sufi AS, which was duped into the case: Must pay compensation of 2.5 million In addition to a prison sentence, the man has also been sentenced to pay compensation of a total of 2.5 million to 14 victims, most Norwegian private individuals. In court, the man acknowledged that he had acted as a kind of middleman, but he denied having been any kind of principal. His defender Tor Magnus Fagermo tells news. The largest single amount in the compensation claim is 682,000 Danish kroner, or just over 1 million Norwegian kroner. The minimum is NOK 26,000. The man has agreed to pay compensation, and the defender agrees that all conditions for compensation have been met, the judgment states. – He understands that. He has no way to pay, but he just has to deal with it, says Fagermo. Tor Magnus Fagermo is defending the convicted man. Photo: Even Bjøringsøy Johnsen / news Gross money laundering The money laundering is considered gross because it is emphasized that the proceeds were of great value. The indictment outlines 32 cases where the man allegedly contributed to money laundering in the period 2019 to 2022. The main hearing was held on 13 and 14 May in Agder district court in Arendal. The man was charged with having broken §338 first paragraph of the Penal Code, compare §337 first paragraph: Having assisted to secure benefits from a criminal act for another. Sentence discount The court came to the conclusion that the starting point of the punishment for serious money laundering of an amount of around NOK 4 million is imprisonment for around two years. Because he admitted in court to having been an intermediary, the man received a reduced sentence. – He is satisfied with the outcome. He received a reduction in the sentence which was in line with what we thought was right, says Tor Magnus Fagermo, defending. The man is not ordered to pay court costs. The judgment is final. Published 10.06.2024, at 14.54 Updated 10.06.2024, at 15.05
